Where's my epic background music?

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Roman POV

"Roman!" My mom called from downstairs. "Breakfast is ready!"

"Coming!" I yelled back, fixing my hair for probably the millionth time today. I looked at myself in the mirror.

Perfect. Well, I hope it's perfect at least. I was wearing my Hamilton shirt and a pair of new jeans.

I pulled on my letterman jacket and grabbed my phone, checking all my social media. I headed out of my room and downstairs.

The second my foot hit the last step, my dog was all over me. He was a golden retriever that love to be carried around despite being full grown and almost nine years old.

"Down Zeus!" I told him, while laughing. He kept jumping on me until I picked him up. I laughed and walked into kitchen while still carrying Zeus.

Both Dad and Mom laughed when they saw me. I dropped Zeus and tried to walk over to the kitchen table without tripping over him.

I was the youngest child in one of the richest families around. I had super supportive and caring parents, but they still pushed me to do well in school and sports. But they still supported all the drama performances I did.

My older brother, Remus, was a whole different story. He was supposed to be in his third year in college now. But now he's dropped out and runs around New York calling himself The Duke and getting into a lot of legal issues. He never comes home to visit or for any holidays or birthdays.

"Any tests today?" Asked dad, taking a sip from his coffee, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Not that I'm aware of." I told him, sitting down at the table. My mom handed me a plate on pancakes which I devoured instantly. I looked over at the clock, to see that I was right on schedule.

"Make sure to keep your grades up." He reminded me. "Playing sports and doing theater isn't going to get you to college."

"I know." I sighed. I knew they cared deep down, that's why they always asked about this kind of stuff. I looked over at the clock, relived to see it was time to go.

"Gotta go." I told them, standing up. "Bye, love ya guys."

"Love you too sweetie." Mom called from the kitchen. I grabbed my keys and headed into the garage.

I climbed into my bright red mustang and threw my bookbag and football bag into the seat next to me.

And with that I was off to school.


I was standing at my locker, laughing my ass off with my friends. Jackson, Will, and Hunter, my three best friends, were crowding around me.

A girl, I think her name is Chloe, came up to me. She ran her hand down my hand and leaned against me.

"Hey babe." She said, smiling evilly almost. Yep, this is supposed to be my girlfriend. The uncomfortable feeling came back.

If happened with every girl I dated. It didn't matter who it was. It just didn't feel right. Something about it...just...felt off.

I looked down at Chloe, but my gaze flickered up to someone else. And there he was. I felt my face flush slightly.

I'm pretty sure his name is Virgil. Otherwise, I don't know much about him. He's an outcast, that's for sure.

But there's just something about him, that draws me too him. He was pulling books out of his locker. His hair fell down in front of his face. He's just...beautiful almost.

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