Accidental demon summoning

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TRIGGER WARNINGS : kinda alludes to cutting

Virgil POV
I awoke to the loud annoying sound of Roman's alarm.  I groaned, covering my head with his pillow.  But the loud annoying buzz continued to assault my ears way too early in the morning.

"Morning to you too storm cloud,"  Roman teased, letting out a yawn.

"Turn that thing off,"  I said lowly, closing my eyes tightly.  "I refuse to go to school."

"You have to go to school,"  Roman told me, getting out of the bed. 

"It's Monday," 

"All the more reason to,"  He laughed. 

"I'd throw this pillow at you but it's too cold,"  I said, trying to fall back asleep. 

"Well that's my pillow,"  Roman teased, pulling it off my head.  "So get up."



"You will have to drag me out of this bed yourself if you want me to go back to that hellhole,"  I told Roman, making him burst into laughter. 

"Well I'm not opposed to that,"  Roman said, throwing the blankets off me, sweeping me up into his arms.

I shuddered at the cold, trying to struggle out of Roman's arms.  He just laughed at me before setting me back on the bed. 

"It's too early for this shit,"  I grumbled.  "Why the hell is your alarm set for 6 am?  School doesn't start till eight and we're like fifteen minutes from school."

"It takes time to look as beautiful as me,"  Roman said, flashing a smile at me.  I blushed a bit but otherwise didn't react.

I just curled back up in Roman's spot, burying my head in his pillow.  I watched through lidded eyes are Roman started his morning routine. 

He walked around his room, pulling clothes out or drawers and closets.  He went through a good five outfits before eventually deciding on one. 

Then he headed to the bathroom.  Without him in the room, I closed my eyes.  I was just starting to drift off when Roman came back into the room.

I glanced at the clock to see it was almost seven.  How long did I fall asleep?  How long was Roman in the bathroom?

He looked nice.  Blue jeans, a scarlet red shirt, his letterman jacket.  His hair was combed neatly.  Every part of his look meticulously put together.

"You have to get up,"  Roman told me.  "We're leaving in a half hour and we still have to get breakfast."

"I never eat breakfast,"  I told him. 

"Anything at all?"  Roman asked, worry written on his face.  I avoided that question.

"Coffee would be nice,"  I mumbled.  Roman smiled and moved to the door.

"I'll be right back then,"  He told me before disappearing out of the room. 

I got up slowly, each movement agonizing because of the cold. I swung my feet over the bed, landing them in the soft carpet.

I snuck back into my house to grab most of my clothes and belongings I didn't want to part with yesterday. Basically Roman's parents won't let me go back to my house to actually live there. Luna is here too, my cat getting along surprisingly well with Roman's dog Zeus.

I stumbled over to the bag, plopping down on the floor to dig through it. I grabbed a Twenty Øne Piløts shirt, black skinny jeans, a dark purple and black flannel, a black My Chemical Romance beanie, my scuffed up combat boots, and a black and grey zipper hoodie. I slipped my black headphones that I painted little purple storm clouds on around my neck.

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