Maybe we can yeet out of this situation

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guys I'm still in shock from writing the last chapter of Don't Let Me Be Gone

Sorry I haven't updated, I was working on those last three chapters for don't let me be gone

I'm literally in shock or denial or something

I keep thinking I have to write an update for the book even tho I only have this one now


Damian POV
A jolt of pure terror filled me as the ice started cracking.  It started as just the sound of groaning ice but then a large crack sounded where the bullet had entered the ice.

Screams started up as ice gave out underneath people.  Roman grabbed Virgil, Remus following behind quickly, and the three made it to solid ground easily.  Remy and Emile followed behind quickly, Remy basically just throwing Emile over his shoulder and bolting towards land.

Logan and Patton were already close to the land when the ice started cracking, helping the others off the ice. 

But I was frozen in fear as I watched the large chunk of ice start breaking into pieces underneath Evan and Quinn. 

They were out in the middle of the lake because they were the only two that could actually skate.  But now it might be their doom.

Another gunshot sounded and a family felt the bullet fly by me before digging into the ice.  With a large snap, the ice gave out underneath me.

With a scream, I threw myself to the side.  I landed heavily on my side with only my feet in the water.  A shiver ran up my spine at the cold.

I scrambled to the edge of the water, Virgil and Remus grabbed me.  I collapsed on solid ground, gasping from the shock.

A scream, Evan, sounded from the ice.  Quinn and Evan were holding tightly to each other on the largest piece of ice left.

Water kept sloshing up over the edges and splashing the two in the freezing water. Another shot come from somewhere in the trees, slamming into the ice only a few feet or so from Quinn.

Then a man come out of the woods, carrying a rifle pointed at Evan and Quinn. I didn't recognize him but I could only guess who he was. Wearing all black with terrifying lightening scars going down his entire body.

Quinn's Dad.  Deveruex Corotion.  The serial killer. 

He aimed the gun at Quinn again and shot.  The bullet grazed Quinn's shoulder.  He cried out and grabbed his shoulder.

"Someone get a fucking phone, someone call the fucking police right fucking now,"  Roman said, pulling off his gloves and fumbling for his phone.

Everyone followed quickly but I got to my phone first.  I quickly dialed 911 while Quinn's Dad continued firing at him. 

"You've reaches 911, what's your emergency?"  The operator asked, it was a woman

"The Coriton Guy, he's fucking here, he's trying to shoot my friends,"  I rambled, practically about to cry as I watched the crazy man open fire on my boyfriends. 

"I'm going to need you to calm down and explain to me what's happening,"  The operator  told me.

"We were ice skating and he started shooting the ice.  There's two guys stuck on the ice-"  I was cut off another loud shot came.  "He keeps shooting at us."

But Now We're Stressed Out Where stories live. Discover now