Mukami Brothers x Reader - Home

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Im Baaaaaaaaack!

You cringed internally, men whooping and cheering as you swung around on the pole. You felt naked under their hungry gaze, despite the outfit you wore covered a suitable amount of skin.

You put on a fake, flirty smile and continued to dance, the men throwing money and phone numbers at you.

However, the racket didn't drown out the hurtful whispers of the girl's backstage, and out of the corner of your eye you could see them looking at you.

"Look at her her, thinking she's better than us"

"What is she wearing? Is she afraid to show of her body?"

"Maybe she thinks she's to good for them. Thats so shallow"

"She works on that pole like she lives for it. Slut."

You winced at that, but continued your performance. You can't help it, you told yourself. Ignore them. They know nothing.

It wasn't your choice to be here. You needed the money. Your mother was desperately ill and you needed to pay for her hospital bills, plus the rent, and basic things like food and water.

You dropped out of school to take care of your mother, so there was no chance of you getting a job elsewhere. This place was all you could get.

It was horrible. It stank of alcohol, sweat and the disgusting smell of sex lingered in the air.

The men and women who came there were perverted, rude and most usually either drunk or stoned as they walked in. You couldn't walk two steps without someone groping you. It was awful.

Yet, being the determind person you were, you gave it your all. You did everything you could to please your customers, were nice and polite to everyone. You gave it your all.

But know matter what yoy did for them, knowbody appreciated you. You felt worthless, unwanted.

You sighed as you finished you performance and stepped of stage. At least you were done for the night


After returning home and paying of your taxes and doing your paperwork, you decided you needed some fresh air.

You pulled on your jacket and began walking towards the woods, a place you loved. It was always so peacefull there, know people around to judge you,  nothing to care about. You could just be you.

After walking for a while, you noticed the shrubbery had gotten thicker, so the light of the moon couldn't get through. You could bearly see anything. How far had you gone?

Panicking slightly, you turned back the way you had came from. Being unable to see, you tripped over a tree root and fell flat on your face, cutting your hand in the process.


You gasped as you looked at your hand. Blood was trickling down your wrist from the wound, and you had nothing on you to help you. Great, just great-

"Goodness Miss, are you alright?"

You spun around in shock. Behind you was a blonde haired boy who certainly wasn't there before. His hair covered one eye, but the other was sparkling blue. 

"Y-yeah. Im fine."

He raised an eyebrow and knelt down beside you. He took your wrist in his hands and gazed at it with a strange hunger in his eyes.

"Obviously not. Shame, thats such a waste..."

As you stared at him, trying to figure out exactly where he had come from, he brought your wrist to his mouth and licked the blood away.

"Mmm, delectable. Just as I expected"

You jumped back in shock, snatching your wrist away as he smirked at you. You were about to ask him what on earth was wrong with him when another voice wrang out.

"Honestly Kou, do you insist on disturbing young women anytime I leave you alone?"

Another boy was standing behind the blonde one, looking rather unimpressed. Behind him were two other boys, one very tall with brown haie and the other slightly smaller with black hair. They were all shockingly handsome, yet they to had appered as if out of thin air.

Suddenly, it all made sense. The sudden appearances, the stunning looks and the blood tasting. You vaguely remembered the stories your mother used to tell you when you were young.

"By daylight, walk the woods as you please. But by the light of the moon, my darling, do not venture beneath the shadows of the trees. Beware of the beauty of those who drink the blood of the living. Beware of the..."

You froze with fear.


"Ding dong! We have a winner!"

Your eyes widening in alarm, you went to run. However, as you turned around, you ran straight into someone's chest. Looking up, you came face to fangs with the brown haired boy, who smiled mischievously at you.

"Aww, dont do that Princess. We're not here to hurt you, we just want to do you a favour."

Those words broke through your struggle of panic. "What?"

Looking back, you realised that all 4 of them had closed in on you, and were way to close for comfort. "Who even are you?"

The black haired one smirked, stepping forward right into your comfort zone.

"I'm Ruki. These are my brothers, Kou, Yuma and Azusa. And we want you to come home with us."

You gaped.

"I'm sorry?"

"Come back with us, live with us."

You noticed now that they were all whispering in your ears, voices low and sultry.

"We've been watching you. How good you look, how amazing you smell. We want you to come back with us. Be ours."

You struggled to think straight.

" B-but my mum..."

"We'll take care of her, just like we're going to take care of you. Come now, lets go home."

Your thinking was cloudy. All you could think about was their promises, their compliments, their voices.

"O-ok." You stammered. "Lets go home."

And so you did.

4 Years Later

You stared down at the now lifeless body of the girl. The one that would always tease and ridicule you, would lead the bullying and torturing, lay dead on the floor.

Your knewly developed fangs glistened in the moonlight, and blood was smeared around your mouth. Even though you were now dead, yet you had never felt more alive.

A pair of arms slinked around your waist, yet you felt four presences in the area. You smiled and turned to face your husbands, who looked very impressed with your first kill.

" Lets go home."

And so you did.

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