Reji x Reader - Lonley

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More updates to make up for my tardiness. Enjoy!

Why him?

Why was he never good enough?

Why does she never look at him?


A teenage vampire sat on a rock in a clearing, crying.

His purple/grey hair and pink eyes gave him away.

He was vampire royalty, known for his abnormal intelligence, seriousness and emotionlesnes. He never wore any expression on his face, and he certainly never cried.

So why was he breaking down now?

He thought about his mother. The way she ignored him, the way she acted as if he didn't exist.

It had always been that way.

When he and Shu had fights when they were little, it was always his fault.

If they both got hurt or upset, she would always cradel Shu in her arms while ordering Reiji to grow up.

When he read all those books, did all that work, got all those fantastic grades, he recived no praise. His school report, filled with A+'s was left lying crumpled on the floor while his mother fawned over Shu's B's and C's. 


As a fresh wave of tears streamed down his face, he picked up a familiar scent.

A human child.

Looking up, he saw a young girl, maybe only 3 or 4, stnding at the edge of the clearing. She was looking at him with curious eyes, and it was anoying him.

"Go away."

The chid stayed put.

"Why are you crying?"

The child was walking towards him, not seeming the least bit afraid.

"I said go away!"

He bared his fangs in warning, but the girl only stopped, stared, and kept walking.

She stopped by the rock and lifted a hand up to cup his face.

"Are you lonley?"

Reiji froze.The girl looked up at him with concern on her face, not afraid at all.

"Where are your friends? Do you not have any friends?"

He couldn't answer. He was to shocked, to emotional to speak.

"That's Ok."

The girl hopped onto the rock and sat in his lap. She wrapped her small arms around his waist and buried her head in his chest.

"My name's (Y/N), and I'll be your your friend, Mr Vampire."

He couldn't talk. He to chocked up yo form sentances or words. He just burried his head in the girls hair and cried.

Yet somehow, he didn't feel as lonley anymore.

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