Subaru x Reader - Stereotypes

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I know I've been gone for a while, so let me start fresh with a oneshot about our favourtite tsundere. Enjoy!

You were so nervous, you were practically shaking in your shoes.

A couple of weeks ago, you had become a vampire. You had under gone the change without hesitation, knowing you would be able to live a longer and better life with your fiancé and soon to be husband, Subaru Sakamaki.

There was only one problem.

You had no idea how vampire's were supposed to act.

Did they talk a certain way? Were there ways you were supposed to eat or drink? Were there festivals you should know about? You had so many questions.

You loved Subaru so much and didn't want to disappoint him by being a terrible wife. Taking a deep breath,  you walked into the video shop.


You practically ran back to the mansion. After saying a quick hello to Shu who was sleeping on the coffe table, you dashed up to your room.

Taking out a notepad, pen and pencil, you sat on the floor and prepared to take notes.

"Ok, let's do this."

You slipped the Twighlight DVD into the TV and began writing down everything you saw.


After 5 hours of memorising the DVD's, you felt like you were ready to face the vampire world head on.

You had made a mental note to watch Subaru while he slept and to stare at people to express your feelings. There was only one thing missing.


Subaru walked out of the house to find you walking in circles around the garden.

You were muttering to yourself and looked very deep in thought. You were biting your bottom lip and playing with your hair, and a rare smile flickered over his face as he took in how cute you looked.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?"

You looked up at him, a worried expression on your face.

"Subaru-kun, I think there's a problem."

His eyes widened in alarm.

"What is it?"

"I'm not sparkling. "

The white haired vampire face palmed before going over and giving you a kiss, telling you that you were perfect the way you were.

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