Subaru x Reader - No Matter What

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This contains violence and abuse. If that makes you uncomfortable in any way please do not read this oneshot.

Big thanks to aonzkw with this one, as I have had zero inspiration this week. Go follow her now!


  Requested by jakyjayjay. Enjoy!

You smiled as you wandered into the mansion. It was a normal day for you and you were going to visit your boyfriend, Subaru.

Nodding at Yui, you rushed to Subaru's room. Your visits were so frequent that nobody payed any attention to you anymore. You were practically family now.

"Subaru-kun! Its me, (Y/N)! Where are you?"

You looked around the empty space. No sighn of Subaru.

You frowned. He was nearly almost always in his room, either sleeping or sulking. Where was he?

"Ah, I'm in the basement. Come down here."

You hesitated. Was it just you, or did somthing in his voice sound...odd?

Shrugging it of, you opened the door to the basement and went down the stairs. With every step, the tempreture dropped, making you shudder.

Somthing wasn't right.

Turning a corner, you saw Subaru standing in the shadows. He didn't speak, but you could sense the fury in him. It radiated around the room, tensing the atmosphere.

Was it you? Had you done somthing wrong?


Slowly, he turned to face you.

The look in his eyes made you want to scream. He looked like he was about to murder someone.

You wanted to run, but you couldnt move. Like a dear caught in the headlights of a car.

[[ Violence starts now ]]

"You left me..."

You stared at him.


"You left me. How could you?"

He began to circle you, running his hand along your shoulder. You shivered, not liking the way things were shaping up.

Suddenly, a harsh sting covered the left side of your face.

He had slapped you.

"How could you leave me when you know I needed you?"


"Do you know how much I suffered?"


"Now I'm polluted and filthy and its all your fault!"


You had no idea what he was on about. You held your face as he continued to scream at you and hit you in several different places.

"Subaru-kun, stop it!"

Ignoring you, he punched you in the gut. You coughed up blood as you screamed in pain.

Grabbing you roughly, he jerked your head to the side and sank his fangs into your neck.

Overcome by agony, you could do nothing but cry as he drained the life from your body.

"How do you think I copped with being your son? How do you think that was for me? I dont suspect you've even stopped to think about it, you bitch!"

Finishing his rant, he kicked you in the ribs, sending you flying into the wall.

As you hit the hard stone, a sickening crack echoed through the basement. Blood started to seep through your clothes as you slid down the wall and lay motionless on the floor.  

As darkness came over you, you finally realised what he was talking about.

He was talking about his mother...

[[ Violence over ]]


Flowers bloomed from every direction. The sun was shining, the birds were singing.

Your gravestone was positioned beneath an old oak tree. It had always been one of your favourite places to go when you needed some space.

A young man stood by the stone, clutching a photo in his hand. The photo was of two people, holding hands and smiling at each other.

Subaru looked awful. His hair was dishevelled, and he looked like he hadn't slept in a year. His eyes were blood shot and his hands were shaking.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), if you had never met me none of this would have ever happened..."

The vampire fell to his knees, collapsing into tears. He held his head in his hands as he grieved for you.

His one ray of light had been taken from him.


Perching atop a cloud, a young girl with beautiful white wings looked down at the scene before her.

Oh how she wished she could reach out to him, to tell him that everything was going to be ok, to hold his hand.

As tears filled her eyes, she flew down and stood before her lover. Knowing that he couldn't see her didn't matter right now.

Leaning forward, (Y/N) placed a kiss on Subaru's forehead.

"It's alright, Subaru-kun. I promise I will always love you, no matter what.  


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