♪rocky horror♪

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"so, what are you going to be for halloween this year?" kurt asked brittany and blake as they waited for glee to commence.

britt smiles brightly, looking excitedly to the pair, "i’m going as a peanut allergy."

"halloween is for kids," blake laughed as mr. schue walked in holding scripts in hand.

"great news guys! i’ve had a little inspiration. this week’s musical lesson isn’t really a lesson. it’s a musical. rocky horror!"

finn whispered to rachel, "i’ve never seen it."

"tell me your joking," blake gasped excitedly, loving rocky horror picture show.

rachel, on the other hand, looked concerned, "mr. schue?"


"while i admire your choice of a groundbreaking 70’s musical, aren’t you worried that the adult themes might be a point of controversy?"

kurt chimed in, agreeing, "seriously, a school in texas couldn’t even do rent. it caused an outrage and they had to cancel the show."

"isn’t that the whole point of the arts?" mr. schue asked eagerly. "pushing boundaries? doing things people say you can’t do for the sake of self-expression? look, i figured it all out. i cut out some of the more risqué sections and i’m sending home permission slips to all your parents to make sure they’re okay with it."

mr. schue hands out the permission slips, "and we’re going to charge admission and use the proceeds to help pay for transportation to nations in new york city!"

"hey will, we need you to sign this permission slip," logan announced, thrusting his paper to will making everyone laugh at them.

will smiled at the boy, "okay, maybe later but now let’s talk about casting."

"oh! finn and i will play brad and janet," rachel insisted quickly.

mr. schue points to rachel and nods his head, approving the requet, writing down the names. artie raised his hand, catching their directors attention, "and i'll be playing the guy in the wheelchair, right?"

will laughed, "that’s what i was thinking. and, i thought kurt could play the role of frankenfurter."

kurt started shaking his head, "no. there is no way i’m playing a transvestite in high heels and fishnets and wearing lipstick!"

santana smirked, "why, ‘cause that look was last season?"

"shut your mouth, lopez," blake barked at santana as kurt turned to look angrily at her, wanting to slap her.

"i’ll do it!" mike offered confidently.

tina turned to her boyfriend, flabbergasted, "really? it’s like the male lead."

"i know but i’m feeling a little more confident about my singing voice after our duets project."

"that's my best friend!" blake whooped, as she applauded him.

mercedes pouted, smacking her friend lightly upside her head, "hey!"

"fine," blake laughed, rubbing the back of her head. "that's my best asian friend. better?"

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