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"right. i'm...yeah. no one wants any pizza?" mr. schue asked as he and quinn brought in the plates from the kitchen. "all right, well, uh, let's get started. thank you for coming to the first annual new directions' regionals' set list nominations party."

"what's the point, mr. schue?" artie groaned. "coach sylvester's one of the judges. she's gonna crush us."

mr. schue frowned at his defeated attitude, "artie, you don't know that."

"yes, we do. she told us at cheerios practice," santana enlightened them, upsetting the glee kids even further.

britt nodded, "yeah, she said, "i'm going to crush glee club"."

"a whole freaking year," puck scoffed. "all that hard work for nothing."

tina started crying inbetween puck and mercedes, "i'm sorry. i just really love you guys. you know how many facebook friends i had before i joined glee club? two, my parents. rachel was right. being a part of something special- it made me special. i just can't believe it's going to be over in a week."

"wait, who says it's going to be over?" finn asked, confused.

mercedes scoffs at finn, "please, you think puck and santana are going to even acknowledge my existence once we're not in glee club together anymore?"

"she has a point," puck admitted, earning a smack upside the head from logan.

rachel was crying as well at this point, "mr. schuester? do you think instead of nominating songs, we can just... all go around the room and talk about things that we loved about glee club this year?"

"hey good news kids, cps temporarily placed you in my custody until they try your dad for the case they built against him," mr. schue tells the kids as they got up to eat breakfast the next morning.

logan and blake happily embraced each other, realizing that they were slowly becoming liberated from their father. blake smiled at their guardian, "wait, don't you need him to sign away his rights or we technically being fostered?"

"the court will be discussing whether or not they'll be taking away his parental rights but until then you're technically being fostered," mr. schue told her.

blake pushed logan in the other room so she could talk to their teacher alone, "i want to talk to him, will you take me? i don't want to go alone."

"of course. go get dressed."

blake silently drove mr. schue and logan to their father's apartment, her knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel too tight. when they pulled up to the apartment, blake took a big deep breath before going to the door.

mr. schue knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer. the man who answered wasn't the horrible monster he imagined him to be, but a man about his age with nice sandy blonde hair. "hello, i'm will schuester. i'm your kid's teacher."

"michael blake, nice to meet you," the man took his hand, firmly shaking it while looking over his shoulder to see his kids standing there behind him. "cassondra, logan, what are you doing here?"

cass walked into the apartment, repulsed by it's typical smell of stale beer, "i wanted to talk to you about something. i know you told me to never come back but this was important."

michael ignored his daughter, paying attention to his son, "hey log, how've you been? has cassondra been taking care of you?"

"listen to her dad," logan told his dad in a low voice.

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