The shield, Cesaro and Dolph Ziggler vs Barrett, Orton, Ryback and the Usos

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*Roman's POV*

I stood on the apron and my eyes kept on flicking to Dolph who was standing in the corner. Dean flicked the corner of my ear and sniggered.

"I think you like him." He whispered. I rolled my eyes and smiled when Dean was tagged in. I sighed and watched everything carefully. Seth was sniggering lightly and I glared at him. He stopped speaking and sighed. I sighed and Cesaro was tagged in.

*Dean's POV*

"Wait what?" Dolph whispered to me and seth.

"Roman can I put this." Seth whispered. I smirked and rolled my eyes.

"Roman keeps checking you out." I whispered weakly. Dolph coughed and smirked.

"Really?" He asked and Cesaro walked over. I smiled and moved my fringe. Dolph took his shirt off but Cesaro was pulled away. I nudged him and we looked at roman. Roman looked away quickly and we sniggered lightly.

"So he is checking me out?" Dolph whispered. I nod and the bell rang.

"Yep." I smiled and roman jumped down.

*Roman's POV*

I walked back to my locker room blushing like mad.

"God that was embarrassing." I sighed and sat on the couch. The door creaked open.

"Roman?" Dolph asked walking through. I looked at him and gulped.

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