Night Of Champions

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*roman's POV*

I woke up and growled in pain. My abdomen was killing and I didn't know why.

"Roman?" Wade asked and I moaned weakly.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. Something hurts so much." I moaned and he sighed.

"You have to go to the hospital. You can't fight like this." He sighed and I nod weakly.

"Okay." I stuttered. He helped me stand up and I threw some random clothes on. I looked at him and he smiled weakly.

"It's okay." He smiled. I nod and slowly made my way down the stairs.

*Dean's POV*

I sat in my new home looking at the celling of the living room. Then my phone buzzed. I picked it up and read the text from wade.

Hey Dean. Roman won't be fighting due to him having a hernia operation. He wants you to end up fighting/ assaulting seth.

I smiled and chuckled at the thought of beating up seth for roman. I started to wrap the bandage round my wrists as I thought of what to do. I smiled and stood up. I grabbed my jacket and put it on.

"Time to call a cab." I sniggered and walked out side the house.

*Seth's POV*

I stood in the ring waiting for roman to come. I sighed.

"If he doesn't come in ten seconds. I will be declared the winner of the match." I said and glared at the referee.











The bell rang and I laughed. I smirked and moved my hair out of my eyes.

"I offer a challenge to anyone in the locker room to come fight me tonight!" I shouted and waited. No one came.

"Anyone." I repeated a tiny bit calmer. Still no one came.

"Listen. I'm offering you a chance to fight mr money in the bank." I snapped harshly. Then a cab pulled up. The door opened and I put my brief case down. Out of the cab came my former tag team partner, friend and blood brother. Dean Ambrose.

*Dean's POV*

I slammed the door shut and went running to the ring. My music came on but I was already nearly at the ring. I got in the ring and started punching and clawing at Seth. He kicked me off and tried to run but I kicked him out the ring. He started to run up the ramp but I shoved him into a bit of the audience. We them started fighting in the crowd. He was shoving chairs over so I couldn't get to him but I just shoved them out of my way. I punched away the in coming bin and ran over to him. Knocking him over the barrier. I fell over after him and threw him into the ring. Then came the security. I didn't care. I shoved them off me and went for seth again. Clawing and kicking. Punching and yelling that it is all his fault. I was pulled off him and forced to stay down. They bound my hands together and carried me out the ring. But I was still kicking at them.

"Get off me!!" I yelled over and over again. I could hear seth yelling.

"Where did he come from?! Where did he come from?!" He yelled three times over. I was taken to a room and left there. I looked at a sign and gulped. I was now in anger management class. Not going to work one bit.

*Seth's POV*

I grabbed my brief case and went back up the ramp. Completely confused from where from and why Dean came. I sighed and sat back in my office. A box was on my desk. I opened it carefully and looked in. My old dog tag from the shield, my mask, my jacket, my gloves and underneath all that was the chair I betrayed them with. I now felt more guilty than ever.

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