Drinking problems

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*Dean's POV*

I sat in my room drinking down bottle after bottle of wine. I wanted to drink until I forgot who I was. I soon got so drunk that I could only just remember I had work. I stumbled out of bed of went to work. I waited and slowly made my way to the ring. I grabbed a mic and looked at the new audience.

"I don't really feel like talking. But whilst they are too afraid to let me do anything else tonight because I've been er a. Bit of a mood lately. I guess I will. HI. I'M DEAN AMBROSE! If you should should believe anything that is hyped them yeah. You should. I'm as good as they say I am. I am as good as everyone pretends to be. I am better than the best. But onto something else. I am one of the members of the shield. The shield are untouchable. We will always go down in the history books for being the best tag team in WWE. We are known as the hounds of justice." I slurred. Seth and roman came in and forced the mic out of my hand.

"We are sorry about our brother." Roman apologised. Seth sighed and hugged me.

*Roman's POV*

I sighed and looked at Dean.

"The shield are the best tag team and we will always be good. We think of justice and what we think is best for others. The shield are ready for anyone to attack us. We are opening a open challenge for anyone to come and fight against us.We are waiting." I said and threw the mic to the ground. Seth smiled and Dean stumbled back weakly. John came out and ran to the ring. He had one easy target. That was Dean Ambrose. John got in the ring and DDT Dean Ambrose. But John wasn't finished there. He AA my brother and then he threw Dean out the ring. Me and seth glared at the people's champion before we kicked him down. I walked to a corner and yelled. I put both hands on the ropes and as soon as John Cena stood up I ran over. Spearing him and getting up. I pushed my hair back and smiled. The crowd where cheering slightly. I turned round and saw Dolph Ziggler with a hammer. Then the hammer was hit against my head.

*Seth's POV*

I looked at my brothers and growled. I kicked the hammer out of Dolph's hands and used the hammer to knock him out. I kicked john into a corner and kicked him over the ropes. I laughed and knelt next to roman. He moaned and go up.

"Let's get Dean." He sighed and we got out the ring. We helped Dean up and slowly made our way up the steps. We stayed in silent until we got to the locker room. I sighed and put Dean on the couch.

"Dean why did you get drunk like this?" I asked and he sighed.

"I will useless and you know the other reason." He said and I nod weakly.

"Oh yeah." I said and he fell asleep. I sighed and sat next to roman.

"Game of chess?" He asked and I nod.

"Sure." He said and roman got a chess board out of a cabinet. I smiled and sighed weakly.

"I don't know what we can do for Dean. I mean. He doesn't deserve this." I said and moved a piece. Roman nodded and sighed.

"Yeah. Your right." He said and I nod weakly.

"I think I know who." I smiled and roman leant over the table.

"Who?" He asked with a laugh. I smiled and moved my hair.

"A certain ginger." I smirked before rubbing my hands weakly.

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