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*Seth's POV*

I walked down to the ring with roman. We had a 8 vs 2 tag team match against CM punk and Randy Orton. With me and roman was Sheamus, Undertaker, Kane, Dad, Adam rose and wade Barrett. I got up onto the apron. Revenge will be so very very sweet. Kane smiled and got in the ring first.

"I hope CM punk cracks his skull on the floor." Roman whispered to me.

"What?" I whispered back and he sighed.

"Nothing." He said. I nod and Kane tagged Adam in. Adam started to wind up CM punk until he punched him. I smiled and just watched Adam beat up punk. My dad was tagged in and I smiled. Everyone in my family knew what he would do. He promised Dean that he would beat punk sense less. The thing was if my dad wanted to, he would.

I watched my dad pin Orton. Wait. When did Orton get tagged in. I sighed and the bell rung. Then punk got in. He sighed and my dad started to kick the shit out of him. Me and roman where laughing and edging my dad on. I smiled and heard the bell ring. We had won and got revenge for my brother. I smiled but my smile ended when I was kicked in the face and fell onto the floor. My head smacked the floor and I turned over holding my head. I moaned and all my family went around me.

"Seth?" Kane asked. But to me his voice sounded far away.

*Stephanie's POV*

I ran down the ramp and over to them. I knelt next to seth and made him look at me.

"Hey seth. It will be okay." I smiled but his eyes where closing.

"Seth?" Adam asked and I watched roman get back in the ring.

*Roman's POV*

I walked over to CM punk and kicked him in the chest.

"You hurt my brothers again and I will be after you." I growled and kicked him in the face. I walked away a bit and speared him. I grabbed the ropes before I went flying out. Punk fell onto his back and I laughed.

"You deserve that." I said and got back up.

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