Chapter 34- Back at school part 2

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Tiffs POV -
I was sitting at the back of the classroom keeping my head down. I had missed a lot so I needed to catch up on it but I was finding it difficult. Everyone was talking and laughing probably at me but I was on my own. Mrs.Lowesly walked in to the room and stood by the white board.

"Okay I need you to get in to pairs or threes please and that includes you Tiffany" she said

Everyone was getting in to pairs and threes and I was sitting on my own. I looked over at my old group of friends which had spilt in to a pair and a three. I walked over to the two that were in a pair.

"Can I work with you guys?" I whispered
"Erm no! Hurry up and get the message Tiffany we aren't friends anymore go sit on your own" one of them said

I slowly turned around and walked back to my desk. Well at least I know where I stand now. Mrs.Lowesly looked at me with a sad expression on her face before explaining the practical. I decided I was going to go and do work in the library since I was no longer wanted in this class room. I picked up my bags and coat and walked out. I wish I could go home and look after Paige. When I got to the library I saw Justin and Floyd's class was in there so I just decided to ignore the fact that there was a class. I walked all the way to the far corner and sat on the table furthest away from everyone. Every so often Justin and Floyd would look at me but I was more focused on trying to catch up on my work.

Why is everything so difficult at the moment? Suddenly Mrs.Mulgrew had left the library to talk to Vaughan about something so I guess Justin and Floyd decided to come and see me. As I looked up from my work they were sitting in front of me.

"Have you been crying Tiff?" Floyd asked me
"No" I said a little to quickly but I didn't want to talk about it.
"Why are you in here? Shouldn't you be in science?" Justin asked me as I carried on doing my work
"I'm not wanted in that class anymore and I have no friends in there anymore" I said without thinking.
"Oh Tiff.." Floyd said
"Look it's lunch next stay with us yeah?" Justin said softly
"Yeah" I whispered

The bell had just rang meaning lunch time. Which also meant I was closer to getting home and looking after Paige. I picked up my bag and walked over to Justin and Floyd. We went to the diner to get food and then we went and sat outside. At least I knew I could always turn to these two if I needed anything. Me, Justin and Floyd were all minding are own business when my old group of friends came up to us.

"Aw look who it is girl" the 'leader' of the group said
"Just leave it yeah?" Floyd said as he stood up
"And what if we don't?" She said again
"Then you will have me to deal with as well and should I remind you that the head teacher is my father.." Justin said

They all mumbled whatever before walking away. Maybe I can ask to move classes...

Chapter 34 hope you enjoyed
JiffannyShipper xo

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