Chapter 32- struggling

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Tiffs POV-
It has been a week since I gave birth to Paige. Anyone who say being a mum is easy is lying it isn't easy but Paige is worth being tired, having no energy left and the sleepless nights. There isn't anything me and just wouldn't do for her. Justin has been amazing. He will get up in the middle of the night and see to her, he will change her nappies, he will do just about anything for her and I don't even ask him to. If he hears her crying then he will go to her and won't leave until she is asleep or he will cuddle her.

Justin is now having to go back to school which leaves me alone with Paige. It upsets me that I will be alone during the day but I know I will still see him later on after school and anyway a couple more weeks and I'm going back to school. I was sitting in the lounge feeding Paige when Justin came in.

"Hey Tiff" he said as he walked towards me and Paige
"Hey" I replied with smiling at the end.
"How are my two favourite girls?" Justin asked
"We are fine, how are you?" I asked putting the bottle on the side.
"I'm fine" he said smiling as he took Paige and began to burp her.
"Do you have to go back to school?" I asked
"I don't want to but I have to and you will be fine" Justin said
"How did you know what I was going to say next?" I asked
"I know you tiff" he said handing Paige back to me.
"I love you" I said as I smiled
"I love you too" he said as he leant down and kissed me.

Justin's POV-
I had been in school for a couple of hours now and I haven't heard from tiff which I'm guessing means she is okay. I was sitting with Floyd when my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw it was Tiff. I got up and stood outside the class room before answering.

"Hey tiff" I said but I could hear Paige crying in her background.
"Justin I need help" she cried down the phone to me.
"Okay calm down, what's wrong?" I asked quickly
"I don't know Paige won't stop crying and I have tried everything" she cries
"Alright I'm on my way just hang in there." I said before hanging up.

I quickly walked back in to my lesson and grabbed my bags

"Is Tiff alright?" Floyd asked
"She is just struggling being on her own" I said as I walked out quickly.

I ran all the way home and could still hear Paige crying. I ran up the stairs and walked in to the lounge. I saw Tiff trying to calm her down so I walked over to them. Tiff saw me and handed Paige to me. Tiff had tears streaming down her face and walked out. I sighed and went back to Paige. I started rocking Paige back and forth and soon enough her cries turned in to silence. I smiled and walked to Tiffs room. I placed Paige in to her crib and sat next to Tiff who was crying.

"Hey come here" I said as I wiped her tears away from her cheeks

I pulled her in to a tight hug and she wasted no time in wrapping her arms around me. I rubbed her back lightly as I whispered comforting things in to her ear.

"Right you need to relax" I said as I got up.
"Where are you going?" Tiff asked me
"Don't worry I will be back in a minute or two" I said softly as I left.

I started running Tiff a bubble bath. I made sure it was deep, warm and full of bubbles just like she likes it. Once I was done I went back to her room and saw her looking at Paige.

"Come on Tiff" I said softly as I took hold of her hand

I walked to the bathroom and she followed me.

"You are going to relax and I'm going to look after Paige okay?" I said as I kissed her cheek softly
"Okay thank you" she said smiling

Chapter 32 hope you enjoyed!
JiffannyShipper xo

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