Chapter 23- telling the family part two

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Justin's POV-
Me and tiff were cuddled up on the sofa. She was snuggled in to chest and kept drifting in and out of sleeps. I smiled to myself and couldn't keep my eyes of her. It was still strange to think that she is having my baby but it s a good strange. We decided not to go back to school as there was going to be a lot of drama.

I heard the front door open and then footsteps running up the stairs. It turned out to be Leo. He came over slowly and handed me the picture. I smiled slightly.

"Thanks" I said looking at it.
"I will be there for you and Tiffany if you need anything" he said as he sat on the arm in the sofa.
"Thank you Leo" I said punching his arm in a brotherly way.
"Well I only came it give you the photo back so I will see you later" he said as he left.

I looked back down at tiff see she was still asleep. I smiled as I slowly picked her up. I gently placed her on her bed and put a blanket over her. I started slowly and quietly walking towards the door.

"Justin where are going?" Tiff asked yawning at the end
"I'm going to go have a shower okay?" I said looking at her

She nodded and fell asleep again.

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