Chapter 15 - confessions

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Floyd's POV-
What's going on with Tiff? I don't understand why she didn't tell us about the bullying or why she always wants Justin around. All I know is I have to find mum and Vaughan. I ran to my mums art room to see her and Vaughan having a dissuasion on the school. I ran in to the room and instantly got both their attention.

"Floyd what's wrong?" My mum asked
"It's Tiff mum" I looked up to see concern written all over my mothers face.
"Where is she?" My mum asked with panic in her voice.
"She is in Vaughan's office with Justin" I said before walking towards the door.

The next thing I knew all of us were running to Vaughan's office. I didn't even bother knocking on the door I just went in. I looked at Justin and he put his finger to his lip signalling us to be quite. I looked confused and he pointed at Tiffany. She had her head in his lap and had fallen asleep. She still had tear stained cheeks but she looked so peaceful sleeping. I walked over to them quietly and kissed Tiff on the forehead then looked at Justin.

"How long has she been asleep?" I whispered
"Not long. She fell asleep just after you left" he whispered back trying not wake Tiffany up.
"Will one of you tell us what is going on!" Ally whisper shouted
"Mum be quite! You can't wake Tiff up she hasn't had much sleep lately!" I whispered
"Wait what? Why?" Justin asked in a whisper
"Nightmares.. She hasn't had them for a while but she started having them after the crash" I asked said quietly
"Oh right" I said quietly

I got up and explain everything to my mum. She was just as confused as us but she knew as well as the rest of us we need her to tell us the truth.

Tiff's POV -
As I woke up all the voices were muffled. I slowly opened my eyes before blinking a couple of times getting used to the light. I looked up to see Justin looking at someone. I slowly sat up and scanned the room. I looked at Floyd and then at Justin. I'm confused.

"Hey Tiff" Floyd said to me
"What's going on? Why is mum here?" I asked looking at mum
"Tiffany I need you to tell me everything so I can help" Vaughan said as he walked closer towards me.

I looked at Justin and he gave me a look which was saying go on.

"It was just people were saying I threw myself under the car on purpose and the Lisa and Kacey pinned me up against the wall in my history lesson and then for a couple months it has just been name calling" I said as I let a few tears fall.
"Alright I will sort this out okay?" Vaughan said

I simply nodded.

"Justin why don't you take her home? There is only an hour and a half left of school" mum said to Justin
"Okay" Justin simply said

Justin grabbed my bags and we walked home together.

Justin's POV-
We were at home sitting in tiffs room.

"Tiff why didn't you tell me?" I asked as I looked her
"I thought I would all go away but it didn't" she said softly
"Next time you have a problem you come and talk to me alright?" I said
"Okay I promise" Tiff said and she laid down

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