Chapter 31- meeting the rest of the family

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Justin's POV-
Tiffany was still asleep when I got a text from my dad saying he was nearly home. I smiled to myself and looked down at Paige who was sleeping in my arms. This little girl is perfect. She is my life. She has only been here for a short while but I love her so much already and I know I won't let anyone hurt her. I heard a car pull up and I looked out the window to my dad, ally, Leo and Floyd getting out the car.

"Come on Paige time to meet everyone" I whispered before kissing Paige softly on the top of her head.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Tiff was still asleep. I slowly and quietly walked outside towards my dad. Floyd saw me and walked over to me. He looked at Paige and smiled.

"Can I hold her?" Floyd asked
"Of course" I replied with as I gently placed her in his arms.

He studied her features before looking back at me.

"She is a spitting image of Tiff but I can still see features of yours" he said smiling
"She is beautiful just like her mother" I said as I looked at Paige.

Paige started to fuss and whimper. Floyd instantly passed her back to me. I cradled her in my arms as I walked in to the kitchen to get her bottle. I made sure it was the right temperature and sat down. I started feeding her and almost instantly she latched on to the bottle and started drinking.

"See daddy knows what you want" I said softly
"Your doing amazing with her I was wrong to doubt you" my dad said as he sat next to me
"You had every right to doubt me" I said as I looked at him
"Well you and Tiffany have your hands full now with this little one here" he said as he looked down at Paige
"Yeah I know but she is worth everything" I said smiling.
"I think someone wants to see you" he said as he left

I turned around to see Tiff and Ally. Tiff came and sat next to me. Her eyes instantly travelled to her baby girl. I smiled and kisses her on the cheek. Ally slowly walked towards us.

"You both know that she is literally relying on you two, you have to do everything for her?" Ally asked
"Yes mum we know that, but she is ours and she isn't going to be taken away from us" Tiff said as she lent her head on my shoulder
"She is everything to us now" I said as I kissed Tiffs forehead.

Chapter 31 hope you enjoyed
JiffannyShipper xo

Our secret ~ Justin and TiffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora