Chapter 10- Hospitals and saying sorry

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Justin's POV-
I was sitting the waiting room with everyone waiting to hear new about Tiff. Floyd had gone out to get some air so I decided to go check on him. I know me and him don't exactly see eye to eye on things but still. I walked outside to see him sitting on the concrete stairs. I walked over and sat down next to him causing him to look at me.

"What do you want?" He said with no emotion
"I just wanted to make sure you are okay" I said
"Why? You hate me" he said
"I know I have been a massive jerk towards you and we don't always see things eye to eye and I'm sorry for all of that" I said as I turned to face him.
"I wasn't much better towards you either so I guess I am sorry to" Floyd said facing me.
"So are you alright?" I asked I know a bit if a stupid question
" I guess " he said looking in to the air again.
" why don't you come back inside and sit with us?" I asked

He nodded and stood up. As we walked in to the waiting room we saw the doctor talking to Ally. We both looked at each other and walked over.

"Mum what's going on?" Floyd asked
"She is fine, she is awake and we can go and see her." Ally said smiling.

We all walked in to her room. It broke my heart to see her laying in the bed attached the machines, having the IV drip in her hand and looking so pale. We all surround the bed and she smiled slightly.

"How you feeling?" I asked rubbing her arm slightly
"Likes have been hit by car" she said sighing
"The doctors said you might be able to come home in a few days " ally said

Tiff nodded and then the nurse came in.

"Tiffany we needed to give you these injections so I am going to have to ask everyone but one person to leave." the nurse said softly and calmly.

Tiffany looked at me with panic written all over her face.

"Justin you stay" she said softly.

I nodded slowly and looked at ally. She gave me a nod to say it was okay and then she left with everyone. I helped Tiff sit up and then I sat down on the bed next to her. She rested her head on my shoulder and placed my on her side and rubbed it gently. He held my other hand tightly.

"It's okay Tiff I got ya now" I said trying to comfort her
Chapter ten hope you enjoyed!
JiffannyShipper xo

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