Chapter 17- Taking the test and the doctors

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Tiff's POV-
I was at home sitting with the box that had two pregnancy tests in front of me. It was lunch time so I went home I couldn't risk anyone finding out about this. I kept starring at the box trying to convince myself whatever the out come is everything will be okay but it was impossible to do. I had a million and one questions racing through my mind at the speed of light. What if it is positive? How I will tell Justin? Will Justin leave me? Will my family disown me? Suddenly Justin appeared in the door way. He looked at the box in my hand and his eyes went wide.

"Are you..." Justin couldn't even finish his sentence
"I don't know I haven't taken the test" I said looking down at the box

I looked up at Justin who had teary eyes I sighed and stood up. He ran over to me and gave me a hug and started telling me everything would be okay whatever the outcome. As we pulled away from the hug I walked towards the bathroom with the test. I turned back round only to see Justin with his head in his hands and him looking at the floor. I mentally sighed and walked in to the bathroom.

5 minutes later --

I unlocked the bathroom door and walked back in to the lounge. I placed the pregnancy test on the coffee table and then sat down next to Justin. He turned his head to the side and I looked in to his dark brown eyes that were full of fear. The timer on my phone went off signalling the test results were ready. My breathing hitched as I looked down at the test. Positive. No you have to be joking?! I can't I'm to young what?! I dropped the pregnancy test on the floor. Maybe I should go to the doctors and check. Sometimes these things aren't right sometimes they get it wrong. Justin pulled me in to a tight hug as I cried in to his chest.

It has been a couple of hours and I was on my way to the doctors. I had sent Justin back to school so our parents didn't get suspicious. I was sitting in the waiting room as nerves and fear took over the whole of my body. Suddenly a nurse came out and called 'Tiffany Westbrooke' oh god that's me. I followed her in to the room.

"Okay so what can I do for you today Tiffany?" She asked me politely
"Erm I think I might be pregnant" I said looking anywhere but at her.
"Okay well how about you just go and jump up on to the bed over there we will take a look" she said politely

I nodded and laid on the bed. I felt sick. I wish Justin was here. She brought over the ultra sound machine.

"Okay I'm just going to put this gel on your tummy but it will be cold" she said as she picked up the gel

I simply nodded. As she put the gel on my tummy I got even more nervous. I think I'm gonna be sick. She started scanning my lower abdomen and my eyes were glued to the screen. She then stopped scanning and froze the screen.

"Is that?" I couldn't even speak
"Yes you are pregnant" she said

Oh my god... How am I meant to tell Justin, my mum, Vaughan, Leo and Floyd? I'm am so dead when they find out.

Chapter 17 hope you enjoyed
JiffannyShipper xo

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