Chapter 30 - Labour part two

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Tiffs POV-
Justin had put the phone on speaker so I could hear what was being said.

"Okay Justin can you see the head?" The nurse asked
"Yeah I can" he said quickly
"Alright Tiffany I want you to push on the next contraction" she said

I looked at Justin and let tears fall from my eyes. He wipes them away softly.

"I'm scared Justin" I whimpered
"I know you are Tiff but I promise you there is nothing to be scared of" he said trying to reassure me.

Suddenly the next contraction came. I pushed as hard as I possibly could. The pain was unbearable and I just wanted this baby out.

"I know your getting tired tiff but your doing so well" Justin said softly

I pushed a few more times before I gasped as I felt myself stretch a around the baby's head. I pushed one final time. The pain stopped and there was a high pitched crying which filled the room. I looked at Justin who had tears streaming down his face.

"It's a girl tiff" he said as he wrapped her up in a blanket and handing her to me. I looked down and she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life.

The paramedics had came and helped sort me out. They offered to take me to the hospital but I decided not to go as I was tired and I didn't want to move because I was really sore. I was cuddling Paige while Justin was on the phone to my mum and Vaughan. A few minutes later he came back with the biggest smile on his face. He carefully sat down next to me and gave me a kiss then kissed the top of Paige's head.

"She is perfect" he said not taking his eyes off her
"Yeah she is, do you want to hold her?" I asked
"Yes" he said instantly as his eyes lit up making me giggle slightly

I carefully handed Paige go him. He gently cradled her in his arms and he had a huge smile across his face.

"Do you mind if I get some sleep?" I asked
"Of course not" he said just before he kissed me.

I smiled before drifting off in to a sleepy slumber.

Justin's POV-
I had just delivered my daughter. I can't even describe the feeling. It's amazing. She is perfect and she is all mine and Tiffs. I cannot believe me and Tiff made this beautiful little girl. All I knew is I am going to protect her and tiff and I am never going to let anything happen to them.

Chapter 30 hope you enjoyed!
JiffanyShipper xo

Our secret ~ Justin and Tiffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें