Chapter 26

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3 years ago

Betty's POV

"I know you can't hear me but let's try it again, maybe it will work once" I say talking to this thing that Jughead gave me before I left. "I don't know why I keep trying it, I guess it keeps me sane. Things are messed up. I've tried to run from them but they keep coming. Killer died last week, not by them or a zombie. It was a natural dead which I'm happy for. I don't think I can survive this. Just know I love you, bye" I say and turn it off. I've been doing this for 2 years without an answer. The only people I saw weren't the nicest and want me dead. And if that isn't the worst part I'm also lost. I'm walking around in the woods trying to find a road or something like that but I just can't find it. Today would probably be one of the days I would walk for hours without getting somewhere.

4 hours later

I walked for pretty much a long time and saw something far away from me. It looked like a small village, without any trees nearby. I ran to it and when I got close I heard something and then everything went black.

I woke up sitting in a room, a guy sat in the other side. I tried to stand up but I couldn't, I was tied up. I tried to break free but every movement I made didn't work.

"it won't work you know" The guy in the other room said.

"how would you know, you're just sitting there" I said in an aggressive tone.

"believe me, I've been here for a while. It won't work" he said and I give up.

"so why are we here" I asked hoping for an answer.

"I don't know, the only time I saw someone here was when they would bring me food" He said and I finally looked at him good. He wasn't that old, maybe 21. He had dark brown, almost black, hair his eyes were chocolate brown. He wasn't that ugly, maybe even attractive. But when I thought of Jughead I let it go.

"so what now" he asked.

"We're escaping of course. Get here I have an idea." I said to him.

"First untie me" I said when I saw that he wasn't tied up. He did what I asked.

"now we wait until they bring food." I said and just when I said it a blonde woman and a guy that looked like him came in. I looked over at the guy and he looked at me. I nodded and we knocked them out.

"Alright now we just need to wear what they're wearing. Then they wear what we wear." I said and he did what I said.

"What now" he asked once we did it.

"now we stab them and make it look like they killed themself. Not in the head cause then they won't turn into zombies. We do want a surprise for them" I said and laughed a bit. I stabbed both of them and placed one of the knifes I had in their hand.

"you're smart, you could teach me a lot" The guy said and I smiled.

"I'll teach you everything once we get out, we have enough time" I said and wrote something down in my diary hoping Jughead could see it. I placed it in my jacket that the woman now wore.

"let's go" He said and we walked out.

Look what I diddddd :))))) hope you'll love the new character I added. Byeeee!

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