chapter 3: other people

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Betty's POV

I was getting water at the river when I heard someone cough. "HOLY FUCK" I screamed and fell in the water. "Fucking hell" I said and got out of the river.

"Who are you guys" I asked.

"Definitely not zombies" A redheaded boy said.

"Isn't that the loner from our school" A black haired girl said.

"That's me, Veronica." I sighed and walked away. A raven black haired guy grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Not so fast, princess" He said "how many zombies did you kill" He asked me.

"I don't know, a lot for sure." I said.

"You got a camp" He asked.

"Nah I'm alone for almost a month now. Well not really alone I still got my dog." I said and tried to leave again. I had no interest in talking with these people. I just wanted to continue towards the city.

"You're not leaving" The redhead said. They really started to annoy me now. I wouldn't even bother them after I could go, I really don't know what has gotten into them.

"Look as much as I love company, I don't need it. I've been with my dog for almost a month and I'm still alive. So if you don't mind I'll get my dog and leave." I said.

"Well what if I walk with you to get your dog, then we walk back to my camp. You can stay for a day and decide if you wanna stay with us or stay alone." The black haired guy said. And honestly it sounded like a good plan for a few days. I could catch some sleep while they would probably stand watch. And when they trust me enough I could stand watch and when everyone is asleep leave.

"Okay, let's go then" I said and he followed me.

Jughead's POV

"What's your name" I asked trying to break the silence.

"Betty, what's yours." She said, a cute name.

"Jughead, the real name is worse"he said and we walked further.

I heard a dog barking, "fuck" I heard Betty mumble. We walked towards the barking and I saw a dog with 6 zombies. "KILLER" I heard Betty scream. The dog ran past the zombies to Betty and licked her.

"Let me kill them" I said and walked up to them. I've done this way too much before, six of them is easy.

"No they're mine" Betty said and ran past me towards them. It was easy for her so I assumed she was good at it. It was kind of a shocker, I didn't think she could actually kill more than 2 zombies in one go.

"Done, let's go back" She said and started walking back to the others. I followed her in silence.

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