chapter 4: the fight

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Betty's POV

I was walking back with jughead to the others. He's really nice, but I don't trust the others. Jughead was walking fast so I was behind him. Out of nowhere a zombie started walking to him. "WATCH OUT" I screamed and ran to him. Jughead turned around and saw the zombie. He fell and tried to get the zombie of him. I got to him and stabbed the zombie in his head.

"Thanks" He said and got off the ground.

"No problem" I say and walk further.

Jughead's POV

Betty could be a really good person to have in our group. She just saved me, and I'm thankful for that. She was walking next to me and I looked at her. She had blood on her clothes and a bit on her face. She still looked pretty.

We finally arrived at the camp and I saw Betty standing there awkward.

Hey, it's gonna be okay. They'll love you" I say trying to comfort her. She nods and we walk to the others.

"Listen up guys. This girl, Betty, will join us for a day and then she'll decide if she wants to stay with us or not. Plus she's really good at killing." I say and look at Betty, she smiles at me.

Everyone walks up to her and starts introducing themselves.

"Hi, I'm sweet pea"

"I'm FP jughead's dad"

"I'm fangs"

"Veronica, and I think we're gonna be best friends."

"Im kevin, the gay on- holy fuck your pretty."

"Archie the redhead"

"I'm Evelyn, you better stay away from me if you don't wanna die."

"Oh I'm sure you'll die when you get too close." I hear Betty say.

"Let's fight then" Evelyn says.

Okay, but I won't kill you." Betty says and starts grabbing her katana's.

"Oh well, I will" Evelyn says and grabs her knifes.

"Is this a good idea" Veronica says.

"I don't know" Archie says.

"Let them fight." I say and we start watching them.

We were watching them fight. Betty was pretty good. Then suddenly Betty gets stabbed in her arm. "You bitch" I hear Betty mumble. Then Evelyn loses her knifes and gets tackled to the ground. "Karma" Betty says and stabs her in the arm.

"You know, I could kill you right now." Betty says and brings a knife to Evelyn's head. "But I won't, so don't even think doing shit to me" Betty says and walks away.

"BETTY" I scream since she still got stabbed.

"What" Betty says when she walked up to me.

"Your arm dumb ass"  I say and chuckle.

"Oh yea, I forgot" She smiles.

"Let me help you" I say and grab some things to clean her wound.

"This may sting a bit" I say and pour something over the wound.

♡ apocalypse love ♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora