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"Uh, some guy is asking for you in the bar. And uh.. he used your real name." 

"Well, what does he look like? Did he give you his name?" Yoongi asked, pulling up his black sweatpants and tying them around his waist.

"He has brown hair. Dark brown I think. Umm, it's parted in the middle. He was wearing a suit, he looked really fancy to be honest. He was kinda hot." Taehyung admitted with a shrug, and Yoongi's mind instantly went to the mysterious guy that has been following him.

"What did he want?" Yoongi asked throwing on his big black hoodie and collecting his things and putting them in his duffle back. Suga was no longer in sight.

"I don't know. He just said that you two need to have a little chat because you have some unfinished business to discuss." The blue haired male shrugged. It was now clear to Yoongi that it was the guy from earlier. It couldn't be anyone else. The man even quoted himself by saying need to have a little chat.

"Can you tell him to meet me in the back?" Yoongi asked and Taehyung nodded before walking out the door again. Yoongi knew he was being bold and that it was risky, but he couldn't help but be curious about what the man wanted to chat about.

So he slid on his slippers and ran a hand through his bleach blonde hair, letting out a sigh.

"Do you know the guy? You know the one you're meeting?" Jimin asked. Yoongi shook his head. He then proceeded to tell Jimin about the brunette, leaving out the detail that he saw a guy getting possibly murdered. He thought it would be safer if Jimin didn't know.

"Well that's kinda creepy to be honest. Maybe it isn't a good idea to be alone with him." Jimin said with concern-filled eyes. Yoongi just shrugged it off.

"Don't worry Jiminie, I'll be fine. He hasn't threatened or done anything to me" Yoongi stated and Jimin raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yet." He said and the blonde rolled his eyes before kissing the pink haired male's cheek and saying goodbye to him.

When he walked out of the backdoor, he was greeted by the same brunette from earlier.

"Nice of you to meet me back here" The stranger spoke with a smirk. Yoongi just looked at him.

Was smirking his natural resting face or what?

"Can we please just cut straight to the case? I'm fucking exhausted." The latter said. The taller of the two nodded and threw his cigarette on the ground.

"I know what you saw. But I need you to stay quiet about it." He simply stated.

"And why the hell would I do that? You fucking killed a g-" Yoongi was interrupted by a hand over his mouth and a threatening gaze. He looked Yoongi deep in the eyes, and for the first time, Yoongi saw his eyes, like really saw them. He was staring directly into two deep pools of melted chocolate filled with golden specks of light.

His eyes were beautiful, yet so intimidating.

"Because I'll kill you and your little pink haired friend if you don't." He threatened before pulling his hand away from Yoongi's mouth. Yoongi could feel his heart stop at the mention of his best friend, and he only glared back at the brunette.

"He has nothing to do with this." Yoongi hissed at the man, but he only smirked down at him.

"I know. And that's why I would recommend you keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut." He stated, his gaze dropping to the shorter's mouth for a split second, before moving back up to his eyes.

"Fuck off" The smaller of the two spit, shooting fire through his eyes.

Hmm, sassy. The brunette thought to himself.

"I'll keep an eye on you from now on. See you around, darling." The brunette said with a wink before walking back inside the club.

Yoongi put on his black jacket and put his hands in his pockets for warmth. He furrowed his brows in confusion and thought about the conversation he just had. He then shrugged it off and started walking home on his aching feet. He couldn't wait to close his eyes and drift off to a peaceful slumber.

The walk home was as peaceful as the sleep he dreamt of. He didn't feel like he was being watched, and he didn't witness a murder. No weird creepy dudes stopped him and no junkies yelled at him. So it was a good night.

He unlocked the door to his apartment and changed into his pyjamas, which consisted of boxers and a way too big black band tee. He plopped down on his soft bed and crept under the covers and drifted off to sleep.

He woke up the next day around 12, and checked his phone for any notifications.

Group chat for: TaeTae, ChimChim & Yoongs

TaeTae: yo guys it's our day off let's do something

ChimChim: I'm in

TaeTae: Wbu Yoongs?

ChimChim: I don't think he's awake yet


Yoongs: fuck off

ChimChim: wow you're awake

Yoongs: Yes, that's correct Sherlock

TaeTae: Hyunngggg do you wanna join us or what?

Yoongs: Depends on what we're doing

ChimChim: Can we PLEASE go to the club I miss getting wasted

Yoongs: Sure, I'm in

TaeTae: Me too

Yoongi put his phone down and walked out of his bedroom with a yawn. 

It had been ages since he had been to other clubs than Red Velvet, and to be honest, he missed it. A lot.

He was ready to get bat shit wasted tonight.

Hi! Thank you guys so much for getting this story on 70 views! 

And big thanks to this angel @HopeRoses006 

Desire | SOPE ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें