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"We'll have our fun tomorrow, don't worry Yoongi." He smirked devilishly before walking out the door and leaving Yoongi alone with a bleeding thigh. 

- meanwhile - 

It was currently 11.58pm. Hoseok had dropped Yoongi off for work some hours ago, and his men had started piling in the meeting room.

Hoseok had another late night meeting with his mafia, therefore making him unable to walk Yoongi home. He didn't like the idea of him walking alone in the dark late at night, but this was a very important meeting. According to Namjoon at least. 

Once everyone had taken a seat, Hoseok cleared his throat to get their attention before speaking. "Let's get started shall we?"

"Now, the Pei mafia has been after our asses for a while now. They haven't succeeded yet, and they probably won't, but i'm getting quite tired of them. They keep sending men after us, and they even had the FBI involved. Their little beef with us has cost us two soldiers, and I'm not risking more men getting hurt. Not that they're able to do much, but I want those annoying bugs dead." Hoseok explained, most of them already knowing the stuff he said. 

"Yes. I'm getting quite tired of them as well. They keep trying to mess with my soldiers so we have to kill them all theirs time. It's so annoying." Jungkook, the most powerful capo said, rolling his eyes as he did. The Pei mafia truly had been a big pain in the ass for the Bangtan after they killed their old mafia boss Kwang-Su. They weren't dangerous or threatening to Hoseok's mafia, just annoying. 

"And they keep leaving me threatening notes. I'm so tired of them, I'm busy enough running a restaurant, I don't need them to stick their noses in my business." Jin sassily said. He had been left lame, threatening notes that he was getting quite tired of. 

Some more people joined in with complains about the weak mafia trying their best to take down the biggest and most powerful one in South Korea. So Hoseok then decided.

They had to die. 

"Well, then it's settled. We'll start a mission in about two hours. We will attack their headquarters, kill their boss and men and leave as quickly as we came. Remember, this is a small and weak mafia we're dealing with, so you guys can have your fun. Jungkook and Changbin, we will use your soldiers. The rest of you are excused and can go home now." When the excused people had left, he explained the mission further, making sure everything was completely sure about what part they were playing and that they were ready. 

"Alright, go suit up and I'll meet you back here in 30 minutes." He said, dismissing the rest. 

They all did as they were told, sat down in their seats in the meeting room and waited for the next order once they were ready and suited up.

Hoseok was just outside the room, talking with Jungkook about Yoongi. Jungkook knew Hoseok liked him. He even suspected that he loved him. He could feel it, Hoseok had never talked about someone like this.  

"Hyung, why don't you just make it official. You two act like boyfriends, why can't you just put the label on?" Jungkook asked with a smile and a raised brow. Anyone who didn't know about their situation would think they were high school students talking about their current crush, but to them it was something else. 

"Kook, you know I can't do that. If I do, he'll get dragged into this world and I can't let that happen." Hoseok said, running a distressed hand through his brown locks. He was in a tough situation and it drove him crazy. He couldn't stand not knowing what to do, and with Yoongi he didn't. 

"This will sound super cliché and cheesy but, do you love him hyung?" Jungkook asked a brave question, chewing his lips. Hoseok's eyes widened at the question, a quick flash of terror in his eyes before he regained his composure and looked at Jungkook with an unreadable expression. Hoseok had never liked talking about his feelings, it made him feel vulnerable and he couldn't risk being that. Not with the kind of life he lived. 

"I don't know. I've only known him for a little over five months." He admitted, looking down at the expensive watch on his wrist. He truly didn't know how strongly he felt about Yoongi. He knew he had feelings for him - strong feelings. But how strong were they? Was it love? Was he in love?

Am I in love?

"Well, love can happen in the matter of seconds." Jungkook said, making Hoseok doubt his feelings further. 

Am I really in love?

"Kook, you're getting cheesy. Let's start this meeting before you continue." Hoseok said, making the younger laugh and hit his arm at his rude remark. 

They walked inside, sat down, went over the details with the rest, and left to show the Pei Mafia who was in charge. 

Hoseok's boot was on his throat, applying slight pressure as he smirked down at the pathetic mafia boss beneath him. His eyes pleaded the brunette, begging him for mercy. 

"P-ple.. Please." He choked out as Hoseok's boot made it hard for him to speak or even breathe. 

Both knew he was doomed. He could see it in Hoseok's eyes, the pure dominance and annoyance. He felt like he was having a staring contest with the devil himself. 

"Hm? Sorry, I can't hear you. Can you speak a little louder?" Hoseok taunted as he applied more pressure to his throat. The man gasped beneath him, his life and regrets flashing before his eyes. 

"Hyung I'm tired, can we please leave?" He heard Jungkook yell from somewhere in the building. By what the younger said, Hoseok assumed they had killed everyone else in the building. 

And he was pretty tired himself so he pulled out his gun and pointed it at the gasping man beneath him. 

"Any last words?" Hoseok now wore a bored expression as he looked down at the terrified male. He was actually quite handsome, had a fine bone structure. Too bad he messed with the wrong people and had to die. 

"Take that as a no." Hoseok said when the man didn't say anything because of the pressure on his throat. He pulled the trigger, blood splashing on his face and hands. 

They left the building like cats in the night, silently and unnoticeable, just like they always did. 

He looked forward to seeing Yoongi as they drove through the streets of Seoul and back to his mansion. 

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