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warning: contains violence


"Now we wait." Changbin said, fiddling with a shiny dagger.

The meeting room was filled by suited Capos and Soldiers, all ready to fight and show the EXO mafia who was in charge. 

Hoseok cleared his throat loudly to get everyone's attention, and the room fell completely silent, all eyes on their leader. 

"Everything has been evacuated. Every door has been locked. Every person is suited up and ready to fight, correct?" Hoseok asked, earning yes'es from his men around the table. 

"Good. Now, we know how EXO usually attacks. They're pretty unorganised so you know what to do. Just kill every bastard you see and make sure they get our message; that the Bangtan mafia is not to be messed with." This earned him cheers from his men, all feeling the adrenaline pumping in their veins, preparing them for a good fight. 

"Now, everyone find your positions around the property, and then we just wait for them to attack. Cheers guys, and let's show these idiots who's in charge!" He finished with a big heart shaped smile. They did as they were told, piling out of the meeting room and finding their assigned places around the property. 

Hoseok stayed in his seat, silently sipping his whiskey as he thought the upcoming moments through. It was going to be a bloody fight, he knew that for sure. And the thought that Yoongi was safe with Changbin and Jungkook in the most isolated and safe room in the mansion brought just a little peace to his mind. 

Yoongi's safety was all that mattered to him. 

Then the sounds of car doors being smacked closed could be heard outside, and Hoseok knew it was time. He was somewhat looking forward to this. It had been a while since he had been face to face with his great enemy Suho, and he looked forward to seeing him again. It was always so entertaining to fight with him. 

He took one last sip of his whiskey, feeling the adrenaline preparing him to fight. His vision and thoughts were crystal clear. He was ready to finally bring an end to this never ending fight with EXO. 

He could hear some of his men whisper encouraging things to each other in his ear piece, and it made him smile to hear them support each other. 

"Why so smiley?" He was no longer alone in the meeting room. The voice of Suho rang in the room, making Hoseok look up with an even bigger smile on his face. 

"I see you've gone red." Hoseok smiled, referring to Suho's bright red hair. The latter laughed and sat down in front of Hoseok, taking a swing of his unfinished whiskey. 

"Good whiskey, aged well." Suho commented once he had swallowed the burning liquid. Hoseok only nodded and smirked at him. 

"Now, what brings you here my dear friend?" Hoseok asked, leaning backwards in a dominating manner that made even Suho look submissive. 

"I believe we have some.. unfinished business to take care of." The red head replied, taking a knife and swirling it between his fingers. A typical Suho move. 

"Let's get to it then." Hoseok smirked. He could hear some of his men who he knew were placed in the front yard start to fight, the sound effects of guns and throats getting slit making the adrenaline pump even faster around his body. 

"Let's join them on the dance floor, shall we?" Suho indicated to where the two mafia boss's Capos and Soldiers were currently fighting. 

And so they calmly walked out of the meeting room, preparing themselves for the fight of their lives. 

Namjoon grabbed his knife and dodged a stab from a soldier from the EXO mafia. He grabbed the man by the arm and pulled him back, stabbing him in the stomach while looking him directly in the eyes. 

He looked around him, catching the man who he knew was the one that had stabbed Jungkook running towards Bang Chan. He was quick to react as he sped towards him, pulling him back by the hair and stabbing the knife the exact place he had stabbed Jungkook. 

"Die you son of a bitch." He said into the man's ear as the life slowly left his eyes along with the blood from his body. He kicked the man in the stomach once he fell to the floor and left him to bleed to death as he got into another struggle with another soldier. 

Hoseok was on the other hand on top of Suho, planting punch after punch to his face as his weight kept him down. His punches was hard and precise, hitting him right where he wanted and channeling all his built up anger. 

But he was then grabbed the the shoulders and pulled off him by another man. He stumbled up and turned around, already planting a perfect punch on the man's nose. 

Suho grabbed him by the ankles and pulled him down so his head hit the floor hard, making him dizzy for a short moment, and that was enough for Suho to get on top of him and do what Hoseok had done to him. 

Bang Chan clutched his side as another punch was planted on him. He coughed up blood and grabbed his gun, pointing it at his attacker. The man lounged forward again, but he pulled the trigger right before he could hit him and he fell to the ground, blood oozing out of his chest where he had been shot.  

He looked towards his fellow soldiers who were also fighting for their mafia. More people from the EXO mafia was laying on the ground, and that was a good sign. 

Everyone continued to fight, to kill each other as they fought for power. There was blood everywhere, dead bodies laying around the house from both mafias. It had went way over board, and Hoseok knew he needed to do something. 

He was still fighting with Suho, planting a punch to his stomach as the red haired crouched down. He looked to his right and saw a man running towards them, a man from his rival mafia, so he quickly grabbed his gun and shot the guy right in the head. 

But that's when he realised who he had just killed. It was Suho's brother, the underboss of the EXO mafia. 

"You son of a fucking bitch." Suho roared once he saw his little brother lying dead on the shiny marble floor, his blood staining it red and creating a beautiful contrast between the crimson blood and white stone. 

Suho grabbed his gun with shaky hands, tears streaming down his face, and he pulled the trigger, the anger and despair flying in the air as well as the bullet he had just fired. 

Hoseok fell to the ground with wide eyes. He had been shot.


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