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And with that, he left the house without looking back, leaving a heartbroken Hoseok alone in his empty living room. 


He sat down on the couch Yoongi had been laying on only minutes earlier, almost sensing the male beside him. He looked around the room, to the kitchen when a flood of memories suddenly started drowning him. 

He remembered when Yoongi had been attacked by Chang-Hoon and how Hoseok had brought him to his house and made him breakfast. How beautiful he had been in the morning light with messy hair and sleepy eyes. 

He looked towards the staircase that Yoongi weirdly enough had a special relationship to. He always said how beautiful it was and how well it fit into the house. Hoseok chuckled silently at that. He had teased Yoongi so much with that staircase. 

He looked towards the big chair in the corner of the living room where he and Yoongi had once had a pretty heated make out session, but they were caught by Namjoon who had apologised to Hoseok a million times the day after. Yoongi had been so embarrassed and Hoseok had teased him so much. 

Everything in his house reminded him of his time with Yoongi, the many memories they had created. And now that Yoongi had left, the house felt so empty. 

"What the fuck have I done?" He whispered with his head in his hands. 

His heart felt heavy. It was like his regret pulled it down, making it weight more than a thousand stones. It felt terrible, because he knew it was his fault. It was all his fault. He should have told Yoongi. He should have told him before, and maybe then, he would have stayed with him. 

Fuck I need to stop this pity party

He stood up and went to his bathroom. He looked himself in the mirror, angry and hurt eyes staring back at him. He wasn't angry at Yoongi. He was angry at himself. 

He took a long cold shower, hoping the feeling of the cold drops on would calm him down but it didn't. Nothing seemed to help the aching feeling in his heart, so he just decided to distract himself. 

He got dressed and walked downstairs and knocked on the door to the isolated room. When nobody answered on the other side he just walked inside to see a sleeping Namjoon holding Jungkook's hand while the heart monitor sang in a monotone manner. 

It pained Hoseok to see Jungkook like this. He was in a coma just because Hoseok couldn't protect him. 

Why the fuck could he never protect the people he loved?

He left the room again and went to talk to Felix. He was as always seated in front of a computer screen, smashing away on the keyboard. 

"Hi boss." Felix greeted with a small smile. He had heard the way Yoongi and him had fought. 

"We were right about Kai. EXO sent him out to get close to Yoongi so they could get information about me out of him. He didn't tell him anything valuable though, so they just decided to kidnap him to get under my skin. I also believe it was EXO who drugged him." Hoseok said, running a hand through his damp hair. Felix's eyes widened as he took in the informations, everything suddenly falling in place in his head. 

"Ohhhhhhh. That makes a lot of sense. And that's why EXO has been so quiet recently." Felix said, continuing Hoseok's train of thought. 

"I think there's more to it though. I think they're planning something else." Hoseok said before leaving the room to bury himself in his covers. It always surprised Felix how he always just.. left in the middle of a conversation, but he never dared to question it. 

Hoseok dived into the sheets, the terrible feeling from before flooding his mind yet again as his brain kept a repeating slideshow of Yoongi playing on and on in his head. 

The way his lips felt against his skin, the way he said his name, the way he always curled up against Hoseok in the morning, the way his soft blonde hair fell in front of his eyes, the way his deep brown chocolate eyes always stared into Hoseok's with so much love that it took his breath away. 

He felt his whole world crumble before his eyes at the thought that he would never get to experience any of those things again. All those things would now become distant memories he would dream of at night, his arms longing for Yoongi. 

i'm not crying, my eyes are just sweating
the next chapter will also be a shorter chapter

also, mots7 is so good i cannot take this much talent wth. 

and thank you guys for 6K views i love u 🤧

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