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warning: (short) mention of anxiety attack


He killed a man.

The sudden wave of relief and pride quickly washed away as the realisation hit him. 

I killed a man, I killed a man, I killed a man

The words kept repeating in his mind. He did something horrible, illegal, he was horrible, a criminal now. 

what have i done

Anxiety started creeping up on him as the world around him tuned out. He had trouble breathing, his chest hurt and hot tears pricked at the corner of his eyes. He quickly started hyperventilating, his hands began shaking as he felt his knees buckle beneath him.

He felt to hands on his hips, steadying him but he couldn't detect who they belonged to, or even hear what was happening around him. 

He felt his pulse quicken, and then slow down.

And then he passed out. 

Hoseok caught him right before he fell. He should have stopped Yoongi, he shouldn't have let him kill him. He should have done it. Now this would haunt Yoongi forever, he knew it would. Hoseok had tainted him. He knew he had. 

"Someone start up my car, we're leaving." Hoseok commanded. He would get one of his soldiers to tip the police to leave this case alone, like they always did, and it would all be okay. He just had to let Yoongi know that. 

They all left the scene, sparing one last glance at what used to be their rivals but was now just lifeless bodies in an old warehouse. 

Hoseok placed Yoongi in the passenger seat, strapped him in and put him in the most comfortable position he could muster. And then they all drove towards his mansion again. 

Some people might say that having his mansion as headquarters was dumb, but it was easier for Hoseok that way. It didn't look suspicious and he could work from home and take care of his family. 

He carried Yoongi upstairs to their- Hoseok's bedroom and placed him down on the bed gently. It worried him that he hadn't woken up yet, but he knew what to do. Yoongi had passed out from anxiety attacks before. He undressed the unconscious male, put him in one of Hoseok's big sweaters and a pair of sweatpants and placed him under the covers. 

Hoseok stayed by his side until he woke up. 

And when he did, he immediately burst out in tears. Hoseok pulled him into his lap and he stroked his soft hair and kept whispering it's okay, you're okay into his ear. He let Yoongi cry his shoulder wet and waited until he calmed down to cup his cheeks and look him in the eyes. 

"Yoongi, listen to me. You're okay. You won't get arrested. You're safe, you're with me. I won't let anything happen to you. Everything is going to be okay." He said, Yoongi sniffling as he did. he nodded and buried his head in Hoseok's chest again. 

"Do you- do you still love me?" Yoongi said, his question almost muffled as he spoke with his head still buried in Hoseok's chest. 

"Yes Yoongi. So much. I love you so much." He reassured, Yoongi whimpering. 

"I'm so scared." He whispered, the sound breaking Hoseok's heart. 

"Don't be scared baby. I'm right here. I'm right here okay. Nothing will happen to you, you did nothing wrong." He whispered. He kept whispering things like that until Yoongi eventually fell asleep from all the exhaustion. Hoseok placed him down on the bed again, pulling him against his body as he kept whispering sweet nothings even though the man was asleep. 

When Yoongi woke up again, his head hurt. He figured the drugs had finally left his system completely because he was no longer in this weird haze. He felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around his body and turned in the embrace, being met with Hoseok's sleeping face. 

He felt so safe in his arms. 

"Seok." He whispered, said male groaning as his eyes fluttered open. He always woke up from the smallest things. 

Hoseok opened his eyes fully, looking at the raven haired male in front of him with fond eyes. He really was the love of his life. 

"You okay now?" He asked in a gentle voice, one hand coming up to stroke Yoongi's cheek. He leaned into the touch, the sight reminding Hoseok of a cat. 

"... I- I think I am?" Yoongi more questioned than answered. Hoseok sat up, Yoongi following his movements. 

The brunette grabbed Yoongi by the hips and pulled him into his lap, hands caressing his sides in a calming manner. Yoongi's heart fluttered, but that wasn't a surprise when it came to Hoseok. He always made him feel like that, even in situations like this. 

"Yoongi." He called, locking eyes with said male before continuing. "I want you to move in with me." He said gently. Yoongi's breath hitched and his eyes widened. 

"R-really? As in here?" Yoongi questioned and Hoseok nodded, a fond smile taking over his lips. 

"Yeah. You practically live here anyways," He chuckled. "So, will you? Move in with me?" Hoseok smiled, eyes glazed over with hope and love as he looked at the petite male in his arms. 

"I- Yes!" Yoongi exclaimed, engulfing Hoseok in a tight hug. "Yes, I would love to." He continued. 

"Good. Let's get your stuff tomorrow then." Hoseok smiled as Yoongi nodded eagerly. 

He was finally moving in with Hoseok. 

With everything happening, this felt like a dream. But Yoongi prayed to god it wasn't. He needed it to be reality. 

a soft chapter for you because ily  🥺

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