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Oh boy, was he in for a treat.

It was a cold Saturday in December, the trio had no shifts at Red Velvet. They had all decided on a pamper day and then go to the club Octagon to dance and get wasted later on in the evening. Yoongi hadn't seen Hoseok in two days, and it made him worry for the brunette slightly. 

It had been unavoidable for Yoongi to keep lying to himself now. He knew he had a small crush on Hoseok. A small one. He could feel it in his fingertips every time the brunette smirked at him, laughed or just talked. Yoongi found it amusing how he could go from oozing of confidence, cockiness and sexiness to being bright, bubbly and funny. He liked both sides of him equally, and enjoyed his company a lot.  

The three best friends had spent the day listening to music, dancing to it, applying face mask, applying hair masks, getting their nails done, eating delicious food, trying on clothes and taking a big bubble bath filled with essential oils that made them smell like roses. They trusted each other so much, and was so comfortable with each other that they had no problem taking the bubble bath together. After all, Yoongi had spent a lot of money on getting an extra big bathtub installed in his apartment, so it wasn't like they were pressed against each other. It was basically an indoors jacuzzi.

They were currently laughing their asses off to Adventure Time, Taehyung had fallen off the couch and was clutching his stomach at the pain he felt from laughing so much, and Jimin's eyes had completely disappeared and was now replaced by two small crescent moons. Yoongi was wiping tears with a big gummy smile on full display and shoulders shaking up and down in laughter. 

"UNACCEPTABLE" Taehyung mimicked Lemongrab's line that had them all laughing even more.

"I can't take this." Yoongi laughed. Honestly, it wasn't even that  funny but the three boys were high on each other's company and couldn't seem to calm down.

"Who even comes up with stuff like that?" Jimin laughed, his hand gesturing towards the TV screen where they had paused on Lemongrab's furious screaming face. 

"I think the creators of that show was on heavy drugs while making it." Yoongi said once he had calmed down a little. Taehyung was currently trying to get up from the floor, wiping some tears with a giant boxy smile.

The three boys continued getting ready together, and soon it was time to leave.

They walked to Octagon, ready to dance the night away. It wasn't often that they had nights off on Saturdays, so they highly appreciated when they had time for a night out. 

"I have an idea guys." Taehyung excitedly said, clapping his hands with a big smile. Jimin immediately looked at him, just as excited. Yoongi only raised an eyebrow and motioned for him to go on.

"Yoongi, we're gonna get you laid tonight!" The blue haired male suggested, making Jimin squeal in approval and Yoongi groan and roll his eyes in disapproval.

He didn't want to have sex with some stranger from some random club. 

"OMG YES!" Jimin squealed, making the blonde roll his eyes further back in his head. 

"No you're not." The blonde sighed, making his best friends pout in disappointment, and try to convince him all the way to Octagon. 

They got inside and immediately went to the bar. 


It was a Saturday, Hoseok was working out in his personal gym, trying to remember why Yoongi's new colleague Kai reminded him of someone. He was convinced he had heard the name before, he just couldn't remember from where and it nagged him. 

All he knew was that he had a bad feeling about the silver haired male.

He finished working out, taking a shower and getting dressed before getting a text from the guy who kept an eye on Min Yoongi for him. 

Hoseok knew it wasn't necessary anymore, that he could just leave the male alone, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. 

He knew it was kind of a Joe Goldberg move to have one of his men keep an eye on him, but right now it was just for safety reasons so Yoongi didn't get assaulted by Chang-Hoon again. 

Plus he really liked the small male, he was funny and different, a fresh breath of air to his never ending mafia life. 

Hwang Hyujin: Min Yoongi entered the club Octagon about 30 minutes ago along with Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung.

Hoseok promised himself that after tonight, he would leave Yoongi alone. He promised himself that he would order Hyujin to stop keeping an eye out for him. He owed Yoongi privacy, and he knew that.

But right now, he felt a sudden urge to go to a club.

A certain club. 

Hoseok walked through the doors to Octagon about 45 minutes later. He didn't know what drove him to do so, but he needed to see Yoongi. He needed to hear his voice and see his face shine under the dim lights the club provided. 

He instantly spotted Jimin's pink hair in the crowd of young dancing people. He figured Yoongi must've been close by. But then he spotted a guy latched to Jimin's face.

He had blue hair. It was Kim Taehyung. 


Yoongi had just went by the bar, downing a few shots before walking back to the crowded dance floor. He spotted Tae's blue hair, but his steps came to a halt once he saw he was kissing... Jimin.

Yoongi's eyes bulged out of his head as he stared at his best friends making out with each other. 

What the fu-

He felt two hands being placed on his hips, and stiffened. He hated when strangers did that, claimed him like some property that wasn't even theirs. 

A frown instantly made its way over his head, and right before he was about to elbow the person who the hands belonged to in the stomach, a familiar voice stopped him from doing so.

"Hello, darling." Yoongi felt his heart pick up speed at the voice and his annoyed expression falter. He turned around to face him and nearly tripped at how good Hoseok looked. He was wearing black leather pants and a black t-shirt - something so simple, yet Hoseok made it look like something from a goddamn magazine. 

"Hoseok." He breathed, a small smile making its way on his face.

Damn, we're already at chap 20? wow O.o 

sorry for not updating as much, but homework is piling these days. i'll try my best to update every other day tho ^-^

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