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"Hoseok." He breathed, a small smile making it's way on his face.

"Did you follow me here?" Yoongi now full on smiled, making Hoseok's insides turn to mush at the sight. 

"Hmm, maybe." Hoseok smirked down at Yoongi, making the smaller dizzy. He tried blaming it on the alcohol cursing through his veins, but deep down, he knew that it was Hoseok's presence that made his heart speed up and head spin. 

But right before Yoongi could continue their conversation, he felt a tap on his shoulder and he saw Hoseok's eyes darken. Not by lust.. by something else. It looked like annoyance.

He looked over his shoulder to see who dared to interrupt his talk with Hoseok.

And to his surprise, it was Kai. His new colleague. 

Yoongi furrowed his brows at him, completely turning around to face the male. He smirked down at Yoongi, making Hoseok roll his eyes behind him. 

"Hey, Kai. Didn't know you had your night off." Yoongi half smiled, wanting to get the conversation over with as soon as possible so he could talk to Hoseok again. He wasn't interested in a conversation with the silver haired tower, he just wanted to dance with the brunette man behind him. 

"Well, I have. Could I borrow you for a moment?" The silver haired asked him with a smirk. Yoongi looked back at a scowling Hoseok who was currently glaring holes in Kai's skull. He probably wasn't as annoyed as he looked, he was just intimidating. 

"I'll be right back." He said with a apologetic look in Hoseok's direction. Kai grabbed his hand to the blonde's surprise, and Hoseok felt his heart twist just the slightest. He didn't like the silver haired male was so touchy with Yoongi.

Kai pulled Yoongi all the way to the back of the club, stopping in the corner, looking the smaller male in the eyes with an intense gaze. 

"What do you need Kai?" He tried sounding polite, but his urge to talk Hoseok was shining through and making him sound annoyed - which he also kind of was. 

"You see, I don't like my dancing outfit, so I was wondering if you wanted to help me find one?" The silver haired shimmered under the dim lights in the club - if he was Yoongi's type and if Yoongi actually liked him, he would find him highly attractive. 

Did he fucking interrupt my talk with Hoseok for this shit?

"Uh, sure." Yoongi answered with a shrug. He could use a new pair of shoes anyways.

"Great! Does Tuesday work for you?" Kai smiled, trying to charm Yoongi, but it didn't get to him. His mind kept swirling around Hoseok. 

"Yeah sure, see you tomorrow at work." Yoongi said before walking off with a wave of his hand, not even giving Kai a chance to reply. 

His eyes immediately found Hoseok's in the crowd, his feet immediately carrying him towards him. He was like a magnet, Yoongi couldn't keep himself away. 

"What did he want?" Hoseok asked with an annoyed expression once Yoongi was in front of him. The brunette was very suspicious of that Kai guy, he didn't really know why, but something just seemed off about him.  

"Wanted to go shopping with me." Yoongi scoffed, looking in the direction of the male they were currently talking about. Normally, Yoongi would have answered something like none of your business to a question like Hoseok's, but when he was intoxicated by both alcohol and Hoseok, it was hard keeping up his tough facade. 

"Weird." Hoseok stated, looking away. But Yoongi put his hand on his tanned neck, demanding his attention and eye contact. Hoseok was a little taken aback at the contact, but didn't mind the electrifying feeling of Yoongi's soft skin on his. 

"Forget about him, come dance with me." Yoongi smiled, looking up at Hoseok through his long, black lashes. This made Hoseok's somewhat bitter mood disappear with a blink of an eye, and replace it with a feeling he couldn't quite put a label on. 

"Your wish is my command" Hoseok murmured in his ear with a smirk, sending shivers down Yoongi's spine. The blonde only smirked back up at him in approval, letting the boldness of the alcohol take over his mind as he guided Hoseok towards the dancing crowd of intoxicated people. 

Yoongi immediately started swaying his hips to the beat, closing his eyes, letting his senses take control over his body. It was clear that he was a dancer, you could see it on the way he moved - so in sync with the music and elegantly yet very seductive. Hoseok could watch him dance for hours if the world allowed it, but sadly that wasn't the case. 

He walked up behind Yoongi, placing his hands on his hips, moving his body along with the blondes. 

Both Hoseok and Yoongi would be lying if they said they hadn't felt the sexual tension that slowly had built up every time they spoke, walked together or just had eye contact. It was like they had known each other longer than they actually had, not in a friend like way. It was like they were past lovers, reuniting on the dance floor. None of them wanted to admit it, but they longed for each other's touch.

Yoongi turned around, now able to see Hoseok's face gleam under the dim lights in the club. Even in the poor lighting, Yoongi could see his eyes shine, shine so bright like they held a whole galaxy. He felt himself get lost in them, exploring the space that was Hoseok's deep brown eyes, and just for a moment, he forgot that there was other people around them. 

It was a weird feeling, a feeling he knew was probably caused by the alcohol pulsing through his veins, but he wanted to savor it. 

Hoseok's face inched closer to his, he was now able to feel the brunette's hot breath on his lips and out of instinct, he licked them wet, his eyes flickering to Hoseok's pink lips. 

And then Hoseok's soft lips found Yoongi's, the blonde responding immediately. It was soft at first, like they were testing the waters, asking each other for permission. Until Yoongi put his arms around Hoseok's neck, and Hoseok's arms found their way around Yoongi's delicate waist, and the kiss got deeper, more sensual. Their mouths moved in sync, fit together so perfectly that Hoseok started to wonder if Yoongi's lips were made for his, and his for Yoongi's. 

The brunette swept his tongue across Yoongi's bottom lip, asking for entrance, and the blonde gladly complied with a low whimper that made Hoseok's brain almost malfunction. Their tongues fought for dominance, but it was only a matter of time before Hoseok won, both males knowing deep down who was in control. 

Their tongues glided so perfectly together, resulting in a deep, passionate kiss filled with lust and desire. Hoseok knew he shouldn't do this, that it wasn't smart. If any of his enemies saw him like this, he would be vulnerable, but he couldn't care less at the moment. The feeling of Yoongi's lips against his felt too good to let go. 

But eventually they had to take a breath, foreheads resting against each other, both males chests heaving up in desperation for air as well as each other. 

Yoongi looked up at Hoseok through his lashes, biting his swollen pink lips.

"I'm gonna go get a drink." He smirked, leaving Hoseok standing alone on the dancefloor.

Hi! (and sorry for not updating as much but my teachers decided to give me a shet ton of hw) I have both good and bad news! Let's start with the bad news, shall we: next week, I'll be super busy because of school, (we have this really important thing called project week that will effect my grades a lot so I really wanna focus on that) but I'll try my best to update as much as I can, because I love writing this book :)
And now to the good news: I GOT A NEW COMPUTER WOHOO! 

I know my author notes are mostly completely irrelevant, but that's my trademark so oh well :D 

I hope you're all doing good and well and having the time of your lives! Ily

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