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But he wished to know one day, to maybe help the blonde male to let go of some of that pain he was clearly bottling up inside.

"Can you recall anything about the man? Hair color, anything?" Yoongi desperately asked, eyes pleading, making Hoseok feel bad for him. He wished he had seen whoever roofied him, wanting nothing more than to beat him up for what he caused Yoongi. But the crowd of people and flashing lights in the club made it almost impossible for the brunette to spot who did it.

"I'm sorry Yoongi, but I didn't see anything." Hoseok sighed. Yoongi looked disappointed, annoyed at the fact that the man would just get away with it.

He wondered if it could be Chang-Hoon.

Nah, it couldn't be. Could it?

But then he suddenly remembered something from last night.

Jimin and Taehyung had kissed.

"Shit, I need to call my best friends." Yoongi suddenly muttered, looking around for his phone by instinct, well knowing it probably wouldn't be laying around in Hoseok's kitchen.

"It's in the room you slept in. On the nightstand." Hoseok said already knowing what he was looking for as he took a sip of his coffee. The blonde male smiled at him, thanking him without words as he scrambled upstairs to call his two best friends.

"Yoongi! Oh my god, we were so worried for you! Where are you? Are you okay?" Jimin's worried voice could be heard on the other line, making Yoongi chuckle slightly.

"I'm at Hoseok's again, I'll tell you about it lat-" He was cut off by Taehyung snatching the phone out of Jimin's grip.

"Are you saying our plan succeeded? YOONGI HYUNG GOT LAID!" Taehyung screamed on the other end, causing Yoongi to hold the phone away from his ear to spare his future self from becoming deaf.

"Jesus, calm down Taehyung, it's like what," he looked at the time. "11 in the morning. And no, I did not get laid... But you two certainly got something going on last night." Yoongi now smirked into the phone, already able to imagine the blush covering Jimin's face.

"Can you mute us for a sec so he can't hear us Taetae?" He heard Jimin whisper on the other end, followed by a mutter in approval from Taehyung.

But the boy muted Yoongi, not them, so Yoongi could still hear everything they said. They just couldn't hear Yoongi.

"Tae, he saw us. How do we explain it to him now? I don't wanna tell him over the phone." Jimin's worried voice could be heard. He always sounded so damn worried.

"Don't worry Jiminie, we'll figure it out. We can tell him later today." Taehyung said, followed by the sound of a kiss.

Yoongi was quite confused, but also very amused by the fact that they thought he couldn't hear them.

"Guys! You muted me, not yourself!" He laughed into the phone before facepalming at his stupidity. Of course they couldn't hear him.

"Yeah, you're right. Unmute us, he's probably wondering where we went." Jimin said, making Yoongi laugh even harder. The laughter made his headache intensify, but he couldn't care less at the moment, this was just too funny.

"Why are you laughing hyung?" Taehyung asked, confusion lacing his voice as he spoke on the other end, meaning Yoongi was now unmuted. This caused the blonde boy to try and pull himself together and think of an excuse.

"Just saw.. a dog do something stupid on TV." He tried, but both Taehyung and Jimin knew that dogs weren't the most amusing thing in Yoongi's eyes. He just found them cute.

"Uh.. sure. Well, Tae and I have something to tell you when you get home from Hoseok's. Can you text us when you have time?"

"Yeah, sure. I have something to tell you two too." Yoongi's smile now faltered at the fact that he had been roofied.

"What is it? Did you give someone a lap dance?" Taehyung snatched the phone again, making Yoongi roll his eyes.

"No Tae. I didn't. But I was drugged." He casually said, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. Even though it was a pretty big deal to him.

"WHAT?" Jimin had surrendered and put the phone on speaker so Taehyung didn't have to snatch the phone all the time.

"Yeah. That's the reason I'm at Hoseok's. He saw a man put something in my drink, and then he went to drive me home but I passed out in his car so instead he brought me to his house." Yoongi explained.

"Wait, why was Hoseok at the club? Did you invite him without telling us?" Taehyung asked on the other end. Yoongi shook his head, well knowing they wouldn't be able to see it.

"I honestly don't know. But I'm glad he was, or else I would probably have been taken advantage of. Plus he made me breakfast" Yoongi smiled at the last part. Hoseok wasn't an excellent chef, but Yoongi could see he tried his best and he found it kind of cute.

"Husband material" Taehyung spoke again, making Jimin giggle and Yoongi roll his eyes.

"You're so dumb Taehyung." Yoongi laughed back at them, gaining a "hey" from the blue haired male on the other end.

"Anyways! Did you see who did it?" The three best friends continued talking for another 15 minutes before it was time for Yoongi to hang up. He thought he owed Hoseok a major thank you, and an apology for being such a burden.

He made his way downstairs, walking slowly down the staircase to admire it.

"No. I said, I needed that delivery by tomorrow morning. If it isn't there by tomorrow, there will be serious consequences.... Yes, the goddamn dock! Now go do your job. Goodbye" Yoongi overheard Hoseok speak with someone on the phone with a harsh, commanding tone. He had never heard Hoseok like that. It was obvious that he hadn't been lying when he told Yoongi when he said he was some kind of business owner.

The only thing Yoongi didn't know what was kind of business he owned.

Guys, I don't know why I'm writing Yoongi to love that staircase so much I think I'm going crazy o.O

Oh well, who cares ((:

And I know being a mafia boss isn't the same as owning a business, but let's just bare with Yoongi, he still doesn't know.

Also, I have my final exam tomorrow (monday) so after that I'll be back to publishing more often.


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