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Hoseok fell to the ground with wide eyes. He had been shot. 

Yoongi couldn't hear much of what was happening outside the room he was situated in. Only the sounds of bullets and screams rang through the air, making his heart almost stop beating at the thought that maybe one of those screams belonged to Hoseok and maybe one of those bullets was now planted in him. 

But a loud voice broke the air. A voice he didn't recognise. 

"Retreat! Retreat!" Somebody yelled. It was clearly someone from the rival mafia. 

But did that mean that.. Bangtan had lost? Had they lost, had Hoseok lost?

He sat upright, the blood pumping through his veins along with pure panic. 

"Don't move until I say it's clear!" Changbin commanded, holding up a finger to shut them up as he put his ear against the door to listen. 

The only sounds that could be heard now was footsteps, rushed conversations and the sound of things getting dragged against the floor. Bodies probably. The thought made Yoongi shiver.

And then a door slammed shut and it fell completely silent in the large mansion, not even the sound of breathing could be heard. 

"I'm gonna check it out, you stay here until I say something else, understood?" Changbin said before unlocking the door and leaving the room.

He came back only moments later, holding the door open for the four males. 

"It's clear, you can come out now." He told them, and they all rushed out. Yoongi ignored his aching thigh as he sped out the room, desperate to see if Hoseok was okay. 

The sight he was met with was mortifying. There was blood almost everywhere on the white marble floor, but no bodies. A few men were bleeding while others were calling for nurses and helping each other out. 

His eyes frantically searched for Hoseok, but he couldn't find him. 

"Over here Yoongi!" Jungkook yelled from somewhere. He followed the sound of his voice and his heart almost stopped at the sight of a bleeding Hoseok lying on the floor with his head in Jungkook's lap. 

"He got shot in the shoulder. He's still conscious." Jungkook said once he saw the expression on Yoongi's face. The tears instantly started forming as he scrambled down beside him. 

"Seok, Seok-ah, c-can you hear me?" Yoongi sobbed, pushing some hair out of Hoseok's face. His eyes were half lidded, the blood oozing out of his shoulder. 

"Y-yeah, I'm alright." He coughed, trying to sit up. Luckily, Suho had missed since his anger had blurred his vision, and he had shot Hoseok in the shoulder instead of his heart. 

"Shit, don't you fucking dare scare me like that again." Yoongi said, the tears falling down on Hoseok's bloodstained face. The brunette only smirked up at him, letting out an airy chuckle followed by another cough. 

"I need to see a nurse though." He said, clutching his shoulder. The sudden loss of blood and shock of the bullet had caused him to pass out for some seconds before coming back to reality again. 

"We need a nurse!" Yoongi called out in the room, a young man and a woman with a white emergency bag and a stretcher rushed towards them once they saw Hoseok laying on the ground. They put him on the stretcher, but the young man hurried towards another soldier in need of medical attention, leaving only the young woman to take care of Hoseok. 

She carefully removed Hoseok's vest and ripped open his shirt to get access to his wound. It was deep, deeper than Hoseok had expected, but the pain didn't bother him much. It was the tears that fell down Yoongi's face that hurt him the most. 

"Don't cry." He whispered, reaching his right hand up to wipe away the tears that streamed down Yoongi's pale cheeks. 

"Sir, I'm gonna need you to apply pressure to the wound." The nurse told Yoongi who only nodded in response and did as he was told. Hoseok hissed at the pain as Yoongi applied pressure to his wound. It hurt like a bitch, but it wasn't anything Hoseok hadn't tried before. 

"Alright, I'm going to remove the bullet now." The nurse informed. It always annoyed Hoseok when the nurses told him every single little thing they were going to do, but he appreciated the help he was receiving nonetheless. 

Hoseok gritted his teeth as she dug the bullet out, the feeling sending waves of pain down his arm all the way to his fingertips. Yoongi just ran his fingers through Hoseok's brown locks, not knowing what else to do to help him. 

Once Hoseok was all stitched up, and the house was completely cleaned from blood, they all gathered in the meeting room again. Some people were badly injured, but most of them were just littered by blue and purple marks. Hoseok had given Yoongi permission to join them around the table, telling him to sit in the chair beside Hoseok where Jungkook usually sat. But Jungkook was now seated on Namjoon's lap, so he figured it didn't bother the male much. 

Hoseok cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the exhausted and hurt men. 

"We did unfortunately not succeed today, the EXO mafia left before I could slit Suho's throat, but we will get them next time. I promise you that. But for now, I want you all to rest. You can all stay here for as long as you want. The nurses will stay here for a couple of days to check up on you. We have plenty of guest rooms and I'll have some maids make us something to eat." Hoseok informed his men who only had the energy to nod. 

"We will have another meeting again tomorrow at 4pm sharp. Be there. You're all excused and allowed to stay." He finished off. Some of them went back to their own homes, but most of them stayed for the night, too exhausted to make the drive home. 

They all ate dinner together, chatting about whatever was on their mind and the crazy fight that had just happened. Yoongi stayed quiet most of the time, still not over everything that had happened. His mind felt like it was going a hundred miles per hour, thinking everything through. 

Hoseok made sure to check up on him and kiss him, but he also understood that he needed some time to think. He was scared of Yoongi leaving him, but he would never say that out loud.   

They went to bed that night, holding each other tight. They were both so grateful to be alive and be in each other's arms. 

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