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He felt his whole world crumble before his eyes at the thought that he would never get to experience any of those things again. All those things would now become distant memories he would dream of at night, his arms longing for Yoongi.


When Yoongi stepped into Taehyung's car, he broke down completely. The vmin duo had drove to Hoseok's home as fast as they could once they heard Yoongi crying over the phone. 

Jimin and Taehyung shared a concerned look before Jimin went to hug his best friend while Taehyung drove them home. 

"What happened Yoonie-hyung?" Jimin asked with sorrowful eyes. He hated seeing Yoongi cry. 

"H-He.. He lied to me! He used me! He- It was, it was all just a l-l-lie" Yoongi stuttered in between sobs as they drove towards Taehyung and Jimin's now shared apartment. They had moved in together a little over a month ago. 

"Who, who lied to you?" Jimin asked again, petting Yoongi's soft hair as he did. It always calmed Yoongi down, but not this time. It just reminded him of how Hoseok would always sweep his hair out of his face or touch it and tell him how pretty he was. And it hurt. Every memory of him hurt.  

"H-Hoseok." Yoongi whispered. Even just saying his name hurt. 

"I'm gonna call Jin-hyung over so he can bring some food and ice cream and then we'll have a movie night." Jimin smiled, still holding the crying Yoongi in his arms while petting his hair. Yoongi only nodded and continued to silently sob as they drove towards their apartment. 

When they stepped out of the car, Jimin and Taehyung couldn't help but notice the way Yoongi was limping on his right leg. Or, limping was an understatement, he basically jumped on his left leg. 

"No, let us help you." Taehyung said. Neither of them dared to ask what had happened to his leg yet as they helped him into the elevator and inside their apartment. When they stepped inside and Yoongi saw his reflection in the large floor-to-ceiling mirror on their hall, he started crying even harder. He hadn't noticed before, but he was still wearing Hoseok's clothes. How could he not have noticed?

They helped him sit down on the couch and Jimin went to call Jin, who arrived with food and ice cream like promised only ten minutes later. 

"Jiminie, could I borrow a pair of joggers? I don't want to wear Hoseok's." Yoongi almost whispered since his voice had gotten hoarse from all the crying. Jimin only nodded and went to find him a pair of pants, and he returned with a pair of grey sweatpants. 

Yoongi struggled to get his current pants off with his thigh, but he managed with big pain. 

"Holy shit, what the hell happened to your thigh?!" Jin exclaimed once he saw the small stitched up wound and the angry red letters on his thigh. 

"I'll tell you guys later. But I don't wanna talk about it right now, so can we please just watch a movie?" Yoongi sniffled and his friends nodded. He put on the grey sweatpants and they all gathered in front of the TV with food to watch some bad action movie Taehyung had picked. 

Yoongi had eventually fallen asleep on the couch, the exhaustion from everything making him go out as a light. 

"So, do you guys mind explaining why our Yoongi has his thigh cut open and his heart broken?" Jin asked once he, Jimin and Taehyung was alone in the kitchen. 

"We're not sure, he didn't tell us much, but he said something about Hoseok lying to him and using him. I'm not sure what that means but he's completely devastated." Taehyung sighed. Jin frowned at that. He knew about Hoseok and Yoongi since he was pretty close with both Hoseok and Yoongi. He knew they were both head over heels for each other, so it didn't make sense to him that Hoseok had lied to Yoongi and used him. It had to be a misunderstanding. 

"And we have no idea what happened to his thigh. But I think we should just give him some time, let him rest until he's ready to tell us." Jimin said, looking over at the sleeping male on the couch. 

 "But I know Hoseok, he doesn't seem like the type to cheat." Jin said frowning. Jimin and Taehyung raised their brows at that, they didn't know about Jin being an associate with the Bangtan mafia or the fact that he knew South Korea's most powerful man. They didn't know about Hoseok being a mafia leader either, they were in the dark just like Yoongi had been .

"We don't know if he cheated on him, but something definitely happened. And how do you even know Hoseok?" Taehyung asked. He felt so bad for his best friend, he thought it was going so well for him and he seemed so happy. He thought the boy had went through enough, he didn't deserve this. 

"I met him when Yoongi and him went to eat at my restaurant one time." Jin lied, but they both believed him. Of course they did, he was one of their closest friends, why wouldn't they? 

"It's just weird. He seemed like a good guy the times I met him." Taehyung frowned.  

"Yeah, but I guess everyone has their dark sides." Jimin said before they headed back into the living room where Yoongi was still asleep on the couch. 

i'm so sad guys ):

also this got a little longer than i expected it to BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER JUST CRY WITH ME

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