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"And what is that, Jin?" He asked the man.

"Well, you see, after Kwang-Su was killed, I have received threats from the Pei mafia about them threatening to shut down my restaurant and take all my money. They know about our association, and I think bringing me down is part of their plan of bringing you down. So I would like to ask for your protection until the storm has calmed down." Jin asked with a polite smile, praying that he would get a yes from the mafia leader. And he knew he would most likely get one. They had a deal after all.

"Of course. I'll have some of my men take care of that." Hoseok smiled. The rest of the meeting went by with them all just talking about non-mafia-related stuff, and soon the clock turned midnight. They all left shortly after, saying goodbye with a hug or a handshake, and then the exhausted mafia boss walked upstairs to get his first good night sleep in awhile.


Yoongi got woken up by two small hands on his shoulders, lightly shaking him awake. Slowly the sound of the outside world made its way to his now awake brain, and he could somewhat make out what was being said to him.

"Hyunngggg! Wake up. We made breakfast for you!" He could hear Jimin's voice blend in with Taehyung's. His eyelids slowly slid open, only for him to be met with the sight of Jimin shaking him awake and Taehyung sitting on the bed looking at Jimin with a gaze filled with an emotion that Yoongi couldn't decide what was in his sleepy state of mind.

The blonde groaned, stretching his body, a small yawn escaping his pink lips. He looked like a little kitten.

"Hyung we made breakfast" Jimin repeated again, smiling down at his best friend. Yoongi wanted to smile back, but he couldn't find the energy to do so, so he just looked blankly at his two best friends. Of course they knew Yoongi well enough to know that he actually was very grateful, but just too tired to show it.

He sat up on the soft bed, the covers still keeping his tired body warm while he tried waking up a little more. He felt emotionally drained from crying and talking so much the night before, but he also felt at ease. It was nice to talk about his emotions for once and get it out of his system, something he rarely did.

His two best friends smiled at him before leaving the room so Yoongi could get dressed.

He wasn't going out today, so he just threw on a pair of black shorts and an oversized t-shirt. He walked out of his bedroom, rubbing his eyes with his bleach blonde hair sticking in all directions. The small table that was used as a dining table was set with plates, orange juice and eggs.

They all took a seat without a word and started eating in comfortable silence.

"We haven't talked about Christmas yet, what are the plans?" Jimin asked. The three boys had celebrated Christmas together the last two years in Taehyung's hometown with his parents and siblings.

"My parents are expecting you for Christmas, so if you don't have other plans I thought we could celebrate at their house." Taehyung half asked, half stated. Yoongi sipped his coffee and nodded, almost too tired to answer.

"I don't have other plans" He finally replied. He loved celebrating Christmas at Taehyung's parents house, and he was so grateful that they even invited him and Jimin. Christmas was never a holiday the two boys had looked forward to, but that changed when they met Taehyung and got introduced to his family.

"Me neither" Jimin smiled. And then it was settled. The three best friends was going to celebrate Christmas together the third year in a row.

"I leave Seoul on the 22nd, so you guys can just come with me. I already bought the train tickets for us." Taehyung informed and Jimin smiled even more.

"Yay, I can't wait!" The pink haired boy exclaimed.

The two boys stayed at Yoongi's apartment until around 4pm. They loved being in each other's company and they always had so much fun. But the time ticked by and soon it was time for Yoongi to get ready for his performance at Red Velvet. He felt uneasy about having to walk alone to the club, but he didn't really have other options. Him and Jimin took different routes on their way, so walking with him was impossible. He just hoped Hoseok was there. He felt safe with him, especially after he knocked out Chang-Hoon.

He locked his apartment after exiting it and walked down the stairs and out the door to his apartment complex.

It was a chilly night. More chilly than usual and it made the small male tuck his jacket around him tighter. He could see his breath when he walked and immediately regretted not putting on a beanie.

"Hey darling" He could hear a voice behind him say. He could hear the smirk in his voice and instantly knew who it was just by the nickname he used.

"Hey Hoseok." He smiled as he turned around to face the said male. He looked so handsome in his brown wool trench coat. It made him look softer and less intimidating than usual and Yoongi cooed internally at that.

"Cold night isn't it?" Hoseok smiled at the small male in front of him. He wanted to wrap his arms around him to keep him warm, but knew it was way too soon for things like that so he settled on walking beside him all the way to the backdoor of Red Velvet, talking and listening to Yoongi all the way there.

"Well, duty calls. Thanks for walking me all the way Hoseok." The blonde smiled gratefully at the brunette and Hoseok couldn't stop himself for smiling back.

"Anytime darling. I'll see you when your shift ends." He smiled before turning around and walking away from the small male.

Inside, Jimin was getting ready with the other dancers.

A soft chapter because why not \^-^/ also can we all appreciate how soft Hobi always looks in brown like 🥺 anyways ily and thank you for still hanging on. this will be the last chapter in 2019, so I hope you have an amazing new years eve! <3 here's to 2020!

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