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"Let's get cleaned up, hm?" Hoseok said before carrying Yoongi into the bathroom and starting up a warm bath for them. 

Hoseok lowered Yoongi's naked body carefully into the warm water before getting in himself. He sat against the tub with Yoongi between his legs while he rested his head on Hoseok's chest. 

"I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you." Hoseok said, kissing Yoongi's temple. The smaller basked in the feeling of Hoseok's affection as they sat there, surrounded by warm water and each other. 

"You told me now, and that's all that matters to me." Yoongi said in a soft voice with closed eyes. The warm water burned his wounds on his thigh slightly, but he ignored the pain and focused on Hoseok instead. 

"Does that mean I get to call you mine" Hoseok said into his ear. Yoongi chuckled lazily at that, reaching his hand behind him and putting it on Hoseok's neck, caressing the skin there. 

"If you want to." Yoongi chuckled, making Hoseok chuckle as well, the sound making vibrations go from Hoseok's chest to Yoongi's. 

"But please, no more secrets Seok. I can't handle them." Yoongi pleaded, and Hoseok nodded behind him, caressing Yoongi's stomach as he did. 

"I promise. I'll tell you everything from now on." Hoseok said, and he meant it. He would do anything if it just meant he could be with Yoongi, that's how soft he had gotten. He felt Yoongi chuckle quietly against his chest again. "You better" He said. 

"As sassy as always I see." Hoseok chuckled as well at his reply, threading their hands together and brining the back of Yoongi's hand to his lips to give them a light peck. 

"Hm, you love me" Yoongi muttered. He could feel his eyes grow heavy as the calming sound of Hoseok's voice and the feeling of the warm water slowly lulled him to sleep. 

"I sure do" The brunette said, kissing the crown of Yoongi's head. He smelled like strawberry and warm summer days. 

"What's gotten into you, you've gotten so cheesy lately" Yoongi chuckled lazily with closed eyes. 

"it's called loveee." Hoseok teased, dragging on the o as he said it. And he sure was in love. 

Only seconds later, he could hear soft snores leave the ravenette's mouth and Hoseok couldn't help but caress his cheek. He looked so soft, so peaceful with closed eyes and a relaxed expression on his face. If he could, Hoseok wanted this moment to last forever, so he did his best to savour it. 

He thought back at the months that had passed by, all the things that had happened. It had all happened so fast, but also so slow at the same time. It was already six months since he met Yoongi for the first time, and now he was sitting with him, as his boyfriend, in a bathtub. It almost felt unreal. He would never in a million years have even dreamed of this only six months ago, but now he wouldn't trade it for the world. 

He eventually woke Yoongi up so they could get dried off before going back to bed. Yoongi was quick to change the sheets, and while Hoseok was in the bathroom he also replied to the texts  Jimin and Taehyung had sent him. 

Group chat for: TaeTae, ChimChim & Yoongs

TaeTae: yoongs, are you alright?

ChimChim: should we come help you?

Yoongs: i'm alright, everything's fine. i'll tty guys tm and fill you in on everything (:

He put his phone down on the night stand and crawled under the covers right before Hoseok came out and stripped to only boxers. Yoongi decided that Hoseok's used shirt looked more comfortable, so he got up and changed out of his current pyjamas and into Hoseok's shirt, the latter laughing at the action. 

When they crawled under the covers together, Hoseok pulled Yoongi against his body and ran his fingers up and down the soft skin on Yoongi's arm. 

"I love you." He whispered, making Yoongi smile with a cute little blush on his cheeks. He turned around in Hoseok's arms, now facing him with a big gummy smile.

"I love you too." He whispered back, the smile on Hoseok's face bringing true happiness to his heart. 

He wondered how that day went from him crying his heart out because of Hoseok, getting his hair dyed to forget about Hoseok and then going out to eat with his best friends, to then turn into him and Hoseok confessing their feelings for each other and then have makeup sex and then become official boyfriends. 

He guessed life just had its wonders. 

Yoongi closed his eyes and snuggled close to Hoseok, loving the feeling of being in his arms again. He had missed it, more than he knew. 

"Sleep well darling." Was the last words he heard Hoseok whisper before he fell into a deep and peaceful slumber. 

dw the softness will be over soon my loves 😌

and i just got home from a school trip and it was so much fUnnNNn

and happy birthday to the love of my life tomorrow fjdtygyg i wish i could do a appreciation thingy for him like i did with hobi, but unfortunately i won't be updating tomorrow ):

anyways, i know you probs don't read these weird ass author notes but i like them and i love you so bye for now i'll see you in the next chapter lmao

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