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*Hoseok's perspective right after he left Yoongi on the dancefloor*

"I'm Hoseok by the way." That was the brunette boys last words before he left the dancefloor to take care of something, that Yoongi didn't know what was. He didn't even have time to reply before the boy was out of sight.

Hoseok pushed his way through the sea of dancing bodies that were filling the dance floor. He wanted so badly to just turn around and go back to the blonde and kiss the breath right out of him, but he couldn't do that. His business was more important to him, and he knew that when Namjoon said something was urgent, it was indeed urgent. 

So he made his way to his black Rolls Royce Phantom and unlocked the car just by pressing a button on his key. He got in and started the car and drove towards Red Velvet where he would be meeting one of his men, Namjoon.

He parked his car close by the club, and walked into the back where he could already see Namjoon waiting. 

"Boss, we have a small problem." Namjoon spoke with a professional gaze fixed on Hoseok. Hoseok was the boss of South Korea's biggest mafia; the Bangtan mafia, and Namjoon was the underboss and Hoseok's right hand. 

"Enlighten me then." Hoseok spoke with authority as he adjusted the cuffs of his suit. The dirty blonde haired male looked at him and nodded before proceeding.

"The family of Kwang-Su is looking for him, and they have the FBI helping them" Namjoon said. It normally wasn't really a problem for the Bangtan mafia to deal with things like these, they had done it plenty of times before, but it still needed to be taken care of. 

"Kwang-Su who?" Hoseok questioned, not quite remembering who the name belonged to, but it rang a bell somewhere in his mind.

"The leader of the Pei mafia. Or, the former leader. Two of our men killed him three days ago." The blonde informed, and then Hoseok realised who he was talking about. It was the man that Min Yoongi had witnessed getting killed. The man who dared to challenge the Bangtan mafia less than a week ago, and payed for it with his life only days later. 

"Ah, that guy."

"Yes, what do you think we should do about it?" Namjoon asked his boss. Hoseok thought about it for only seconds before answering.

"Get Felix to hack into FBI's database and play around with them a little. Just make them lose track of us and make them drop the case." Hoseok stated with a slight smirk. He loved playing with the FBI. It was pure entertainment to him.

"Got it."

"Was that all?" The brunette asked, looking at Namjoon with a raised eyebrow. The latter nodded and smiled.

"Alright. Let's get a drink." Hoseok smiled at his dirty blonde haired friend who smiled, dimples showing and all.

"That's the best idea you've had in awhile." He teased and Hoseok sent him a playful threatening glare back. Namjoon only laughed, and they made their way into the club and to the bar to order some alcohol free drinks. They couldn't be drinking tonight, they still had things to get done, and that could only happen if they were sober, unfortunately. Hoseok could seriously use a drink right now.

In the middle of a conversation with Namjoon, Hoseok felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He held a finger up to pause his and Namjoons conversation, and the latter had nothing against it. He knew Hoseok had to check his phone often for notifications from his men. He was the boss after all.

It was a text from one of his soldiers. A man who was keeping an eye on Min Yoongi for Hoseok when he didn't have time himself. 

Hwang Hyunjin: Min Yoongi just walked out of the club Octagon. He is obviously drunk. It seems as he's making his way home. He is alone.

Hoseok didn't reply to the message. He rarely did. But he looked towards Namjoon who already had his gaze fixed on him with an understanding look in the eyes. He knew Hoseok had to leave just by his body language. They knew each other that well.

"I have to leave now. See you tomorrow Joonie." Hoseok said with a smile. Namjoon smiled back and nodded. He loved spending time with Hoseok. He was always so stern and professional, and even scary when he was working - like a real mafia leader should be. But when he was off work, he was so sweet and caring and funny and overall just bubbly and bright to be with. 

"Yeah, see you Hoseok." The blonde said right before Hoseok left their table and walked out of the club. 

Hoseok looked at the watch on his wrist. 2.53am it said. He yawned as the feeling of tiredness slowly made its way through his body. He had been up for almost 21 hours now. But that was a pretty normal day for the young mafia leader. 

He saw a man that looked awfully a lot like Min Yoongi and drove towards the said male and stopped his car right in front of the stumbling figure.  

ily and have a great day or night

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