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"I see that you're awake." A voice said. A voice Yoongi recognised very well.

"..K-Kai?" His voice sounded hoarse and broken and he wanted to punch himself for stuttering. 

What the fuck is Kai doing here?

"Yes that's very correct my dear Yoongi." The door Kai came in from closed behind him. He walked closer to the tied up male and smirked as he looked down at Yoongi, a wild look in his eyes. How did Yoongi never notice the crazy look in his eyes?

"What the fuck am I doing here? Why am I tied up?" Yoongi asked, eyes spitting fire at the male in front of him. If looks could kill, Kai would be six feet under by now. He tugged at the handcuffs around his wrists, an idiotic attempt at getting free. 

"You can stop doing that, it won't work. I made sure to tie them tightly" Kai said, a bored expression resting on his face. He walked closer to Yoongi, crouching down in front of him and brushing some blonde strands of hair out of the tied up boys face, the latter turning his head away from the touch. It made Kai chuckle. 

"Kai, what the hell am I doing here?" Yoongi gritted his teeth in anger. The dark light in the room made the boy in front of him look like the devil himself as the shadows danced on his skin. 

"You see, your little boyfriend Jung Hoseok is a very powerful man." He smirked, taking a dagger out of his back pocket and admiring it in the reflecting light. "Yes, what about him? You want his money or what?" Yoongi spat, anger and confusion mixing together to a terrible feeling in his chest. 

"Let me finish goddamit." Kai's eyes now blared with rage as he slapped Yoongi harshly across the face. It surprised Yoongi how quick his mood could change. Yoongi winced, but kept his expression stern. He was in no way going to bend.

"If I say the name J-Hope, does it ring a bell?" Kai now smirked, the angry expression having faltered into a mischievous one, an evil one.

And it did. Of course Yoongi had heard of J-Hope; South Korea's biggest mafia boss, the most dangerous and powerful man around. The man with no face or name, a true mystery to the police. 

What did J-Hope have to do with Hoseok? Were they doing business together? 

"I can see that it does. Now, how would you react if I told you that... Jung Hoseok is the famous mafia boss J-Hope, the man who killed dozens of people without a care in the world? The man who people mistake for the devil himself?" His smile grew wider, now creepily big as he stared at Yoongi, trying to get his reaction and savour it. 

But Yoongi just scoffed and laughed. "You're obviously lying. You're just trying to get to my head." He was now the one smirking, not believing what Kai was saying. Hoseok couldn't be J-Hope. He would have noticed after being with him for so long, right?

"I wish I was. Now, I'm not completely innocent either. You see, I'm apart of a mafia myself. The EXO mafia. And your dear Hoseok is the leader of The Bangtan mafia, our biggest enemy. Now you may be wondering, why the hell I'm telling you all this, and I have two answers for that. One, I'm bored and I wanna talk. Two, I'm probably gonna kill you anyways so the information won't get out." He smirked at the last part, sending a wave of panic down Yoongi's spine. 

Am I going to die like this? Tied up in a chair without haven said goodbye to my loved ones?    

"I don't believe you." Yoongi said, now trying to convince himself more than Kai. And the silver haired could see that. He could see right through Yoongi's facade and it brought him immense pleasure. 

"I'm sure you do. But back to my story. The Bangtan mafia is still more powerful than EXO, and my boss Suho doesn't like that so when he found out about Hoseok beginning to form a soft spot for you, he sent me out to, well, spy on you and gain information about him. That's why I became a stripper! And it was fun spying on you, especially since you're such a Tsundere. You can be very entertaining!" He laughed while fiddling with the blade in his hand. He looked like a pure psychopath, something out of a thriller and it scared Yoongi. He tried covering up the fear in his eyes, but Kai detected it like a police dog searching for drugs. 

Everything suddenly made sense to Yoongi. Kai was sent to spy on him, to use him, and that was why Hoseok found him so sketchy and why Kai had acted so clingy and weird. Hoseok had been right the whole time, but he had also been lying to Yoongi. How could Yoongi not have noticed the fact that he was a fucking mafia boss? And even the most powerful one in South Korea! How can one be so oblivious, so naive?

He felt his whole world crumble before his eyes, everything he thought he knew had been a lie. He had just been a pawn the whole time, someone who was being used. 

Maybe Hoseok was pretending too? Maybe everything Yoongi thought they had was fake?    

"Now, while we wait for someone to try and get you out of here, let's play a little, shall we?" The sick smirk grew on Kai's face, making Yoongi glare at him. He brought the knife to Yoongi's chin, drawing patterns and tracing his features without actually cutting him. 

"I think I'll spare your face, you have such pretty skin." He smiled, caressing his cheek. His hand was cold, he felt like a zombie. 

"Fuck you." Yoongi hissed, spitting him in the face. Kai became furious, so he stabbed him right in the thigh, Yoongi crying out at the pain. The blood oozed out as he began twisting the knife, a sick smile playing on his face.

Yoongi heard someone call Kai's name from behind the door, the silver haired pulling out the knife and standing up. 

"We'll have our fun tomorrow, don't worry Yoongi." He smirked devilishly before walking out the door and leaving Yoongi alone with a bleeding thigh. 

thanks for 3k wth 🤧

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