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"Sleep well darling." Was the last words he heard Hoseok whisper before he fell into a deep and peaceful slumber. 

Yoongi awoke to the feeling of two strong arms around him and the sound of light snores. He usually didn't wake up before Hoseok, so he wanted to treasure this rare moment. 

Hoseok had a peaceful expression resting on his face, the late morning sun peeked through the blinds and brushed over the sleeping man's skin, giving him an angelic glow. His golden skin shone in the light and his brown locks laid messily around his head. 

Yoongi couldn't help but stare. He was just too beautiful. 

He touched Hoseok's face, tracing the outline of his features with his finger, careful not to wake up the sleeping man. His skin felt so soft, so warm under his fingertips. 

Hoseok then groaned, rolled on top of Yoongi and snuggled his face in the crook of his neck. This made Yoongi's heart flutter and a pretty pink blush settle on his cheeks, even though he had a hard time breathing with the weight on top of him. But he didn't care. 

He started running his fingers through Hoseok's soft brown hair, massaging his scalp as he looked at the ceiling. He could feel Hoseok stir awake and lean into the touch. 

"Mmmm, don't stop." Hoseok mumbled in his hoarse morning voice that Yoongi loved of so much. The two stayed like that for one more hour, just enjoying the feeling of being in each other's arms before deciding to get up to get breakfast. 

"Baby your fridge is empty!" Hoseok yelled from the kitchen while Yoongi was getting dressed in the bedroom. One thing Yoongi loved was when Hoseok called him petnames. It made him feel.. loved. 

"I know, I stayed at Tae and Jiminie's the whole month" He replied while pulling on a pair of jeans. 

The two eventually ordered some take out and ate breakfast together on the couch. It was pure bliss for both of them, they couldn't imagine being anywhere else. All their worries had subsided, for even just a little while. 

But then Hoseok's phone started ringing aggressively. "I have to take this, it's Kook." He excused himself as he answered the phone. Luckily it wasn't anything serious, just Jungkook asking how it went with Yoongi. 

Yoongi just took a nap while he waited for Hoseok to finish his phone call. 

"Baby wake up, I have to go." Hoseok gently shook him awake, smiling down at his sleepy boyfriend. 

"Hm? Already?" Yoongi yawned and stretched, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. 

"Yeah, I have a meeting in 30 minutes." The brunette smiled, sweeping some strands of black hair out of Yoongi's face. 

"Okay. But tomorrow, you have to fill me in on all this because I'm so confused." Yoongi said, referring to the whole mafia world. He wanted to know what the hell Hoseok did and what was going on so he could feel safe. 

"I promise. But I need to go now." Hoseok smiled. He didn't want to leave Yoongi, not after being away from him for so long, but he still had a whole mafia to run whether he liked it or not. 

"Let me walk you down." The two took the elevator down to spare Yoongi's thigh, and walked out the door of Yoongi's apartment complex. Hoseok's car was parked close by so Yoongi kissed him goodbye before taking the elevator back up again.

Little did they know that a certain man was watching them from afar, an angry expression painting his face. 

Kai was watching as Yoongi pressed his lips to Hoseok's as a goodbye before the latter walked away with a dreamy smile on his lips. 

So they're still together..

He immediately called his boss, telling him about his observations and a meeting was immediately arranged. 

Only 45 minutes later, Kai found himself in the meeting room of the EXO mafia, his fellow mafia family members seated around the table. The meeting began, and their boss Suho started speaking. 

"We have waited long enough now. We've been keeping a low profile, getting information about the Bangtan mafia and trying to make J-Hope vulnerable, and it is now time for the grand attack. Tomorrow at 6pm sharp, we attack their headquarters. We have to make sure to kill J-Hope or else we won't stand a chance at getting in power, do you understand?" Suho informed in his usual demanding tone. His men replied with "Yessir" and he continued to inform them all on 'the grand attack' they had been planning for over six months. 

It was finally their time to shine.  

"You better tell us what the fuck went down yesterday." Taehyung commanded once Yoongi opened the door for him and Jimin. They walked inside, not taking off their shoes or jackets and looking at Yoongi with questioning gazes and hands on their hips. 

"Okay, but take your goddamn shoes off first." Yoongi said, closing the door after them and limping over to the couch where he sat down. They did as their hyung told them to, and gathered on the couch to hear what he had to say. 

"What happened hyung?" Jimin asked, lowkey excited for the tea that was about to be spilled. 

"Well, he apologised. Many times. And he explained the whole situation-" Yoongi was interrupted by Taehyung.

"And what is the explanation? He's a mafia boss Yoongi!" Taehyung whispered the last part as if he was afraid someone would hear. Both him and Jimin had promised not to say anything about Hoseok being J-Hope to anyone. 

Yoongi continued to retell what Hoseok had told him, sparing the most intimate parts since he wanted to keep that between him and Hoseok. They looked a little less pissed off at Hoseok afterwards, but they still didn't look like they had forgiven him fully. 

"And what happened then?" Jimin asked, getting way too invested in their relationship. Yoongi shyly rubbed his neck and looked away. 

"Well... he told me he loved me.." His two best friend's eyes widened as he continued to speak "and I told him I love him too... And we made up." Yoongi said, hoping they understood what he meant by making up

Taehyung smirked and Jimin smiled, eyes disappearing into small crescent moons. 

"And by made up you mean you got dicked down, right?" Taehyung smirked, earning a smack on the arm from Yoongi and a laugh from Jimin. The ravenette blushed a deep scarlet and looked away. 

"Yeah.." He said as he began dreaming about Hoseok's soft lips and warm hands.

hi, sorry for the late update, but my country got shut down yesterday (for two weeks) because of the corona virus/covid19 (which means i have no school), so i've been very busy with buying food, cleaning the house and all that stuff. 

I'll be super busy these next two weeks because exams are coming up and the corona virus is messing our schedule up. 

so I'll be updating two times a week from now on (monday & thursday)

remember to wash your hands, stay safe and keep calm.


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