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"I think you and I need to have a little chat"

"Excuse me?" Yoongi said, confused but still annoyed. 

"I'm pretty sure you heard me, Suga" The taller said. Yoongi internally rolled his eyes. He hated when people referred to him as Suga when he was off work. He didn't identify as Suga, it was just his stage name. He identified as Yoongi.

"I'm not working right now, so don't call me that." Yoongi said and started to walk away, but he was stopped by a hand around his wrist. 

"Don't worry darling, I'm not here to fuck you. At least not yet." The taller winked. Yoongi couldn't deny it. This man was extremely attractive. There was just something about him. This mystique and authority that made Yoongi weak in the knees, but he couldn't show it. He didn't know who the guy was, or what he wanted.

"I have somewhere to be, so if you could let go of my wrist, I would really appreciate it" The smaller boy snapped sassily looking down at his wrist in the taller's grasp. His grip was firm, but not uncomfortable.

"I know what you saw." The taller said, not letting go of his wrist. Yoongi furrowed his brows in confusion, but then it hit him.

He must've been one of the guys who followed him after he saw that guy get beaten up, and possibly murdered.

"Wha- I don't know what you're talking about" Yoongi stuttered, internally cursing at himself for making it so obvious that he actually knew what he was talking about. 

The taller laughed cockily at his poor attempt at lying and shook his head.

"Why don't you come with me so we can talk about it, hm?" The latter asked, still with that cocky smirk covering his way too handsome face.

"I think the fuck not" Yoongi snapped, pulling his wrist out of his grasp, something he should've done a long time ago. 

The taller smirked again.

"If you say so. See you around darling." He winked and turned around, walking away with such confidence and cockiness that it truly made Yoongi wonder if he was some type of celebrity.

If just he knew who he had talked to..

"What the fuck" He muttered to himself before turning around and walking towards his apartment. He got home safely and locked his door. 

"See you around darling"

Those words had been going on a loop in his mind since the words left the mysterious man's mouth.

What did that mean?

He was probably just overthinking, but he still couldn't shake the feeling of being watched off. What if someone was watching him? What if it was that weird god-looking guy from earlier? No, it couldn't be. He was probably just being paranoid. Right?

He took a quick nap before getting up to get ready for his nightly performance at Red Velvet. He put on his blood red velvet choker, his blood red see through mesh top that stopped a little above his belly button, his blood red booty shorts that looked more like panties and his fishnets and a big black hoodie and sweatpants to put over. He always did his makeup backstage.

He stuffed his blood red silk robe in his duffle back, locked his front door and walked down the stairs and towards his work place. 

He was starting to get used to the feeling of being watched. 

Until he saw him. 

Leaning against the same fucking wall, in the same fucking position as yesterday. 

He still had that cocky, yet very attractive, smirk plastered on his face. Yoongi just kept his gaze fixed on the road in front of him instead of the god-looking man and hurried past him. He was relieved when he didn't stop him, and before he knew it, he was walking through the backdoor to Red Velvet.

He could already hear the loud music blasting through the speakers, so he prepared himself for a long night. He walked over to his workspace and put his duffle back down while greeting the other strippers. Exotic dancers he could hear Jimin's voice correct him in his head.

He looked around the room for his pink haired best friend, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, has Jimin showed up yet?" Yoongi asked the other boys, and they all shook their head or answered him no.

Hmm weird. Guess I should give him a ca-

Yoongi didn't even have time to finish his thought as Jimin busted through the door, panting with messy hair.  

All the boys started giggling at the panting Jimin and Yoongi did the same.

"Did you just get a quick fuck before getting here?" Yoongi laughed at him, which earned him a groan and a shove from Jimin. 

"No you dummy, I slept through my alarm and almost didn't get here in time." The smaller said with a roll of his eyes. The shorter male seemed to be unaffected by yesterday's events, but Yoongi knew that he was just burying his emotions. And for now, he let him.

"Sureeeee, if you say so" Yoongi teased and it earned him another shove from the shorter male.

"Hey, watch out, I'm still your hyung." Yoongi smirked, and the smaller huffed. Yoongi didn't really care about honourifics, but he liked teasing Jimin with them.

"Boys, I need you on stage in 20 minutes, quit chatting and get ready!" One of the guys who was in control of the shows yelled through the door. Yoongi rolled his eyes but took off his hoodie and sweatpants so he was left in his performance outfit. Soon, Yoongi would be nowhere in sight. It would only be Suga on that stage.

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