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He hated lying to Yoongi about his profession, but he had to. If he told him the truth, it would mean risking both of their lifes, and he couldn't afford that.

- small time jump -

Christmas had went by like a blink of an eye. Jimin, Yoongi and Taehyung had celebrated Christmas with the latters parents, having left on the 22nd and came back the 28th. It had been a lovely time, a time all three of them would remember and cherish for the rest of their lives, much like the other Christmases they had held together.

Hoseok had celebrated Christmas with his inner circle, not making a big deal out of it. They had just met up at one of his close friends Jungkook's house and ate some dinner and had fun. So a good time too.

But it was now the day before New Years Eve, an event Jimin and Taehyung wouldn't shut up about. It was one of Red Velvet's most busy nights, making every staff member walk home with filled bank accounts - something Yoongi looked forward to.

And they didn't even have to work all night. They only had to work until 10.30pm, giving them enough time to get home, take a shower, change and get ready to jump into the new year.

And Yoongi couldn't wait for the new decade to begin. He craved nothing more than a fresh start to leave his bad memories in the past.

But now, he wanted to soak up in his bathtub, letting the warm water snake around his body. Lana Del Ray was playing in the background, an artist his tough kitten image couldn't admit to liking, but when he was alone in his bathtub, warm rose scented water surrounding his body in dim lights, he had no problem with Lana singing her heart out to him.

So he sat there with closed eyes, sipping his expensive wine with a small content smile on his face as the only woman he would ever turn straight for sang to him. It was peaceful, a very enjoyable moment for the stripper.

He then started thinking about what Hoseok was doing in the moment, what the brunette would be doing for New Years and if he would get a chance to see him before 2020. He wished to. He hadn't seen him in a little over a week, and much to his own embarrassment, he missed him. A lot.

He was confused as of why he felt like this. Maybe even scared. The feeling was foreign to him, like nothing he had ever felt before and it freaked him out. He didn't know what to do, all he knew was that his world slowly had started revolving around Hoseok.

Hoseok was on the other hand working out in his personal gym, trying to get a certain blonde out of his head. He had been running in circles inside his mind, making him unfocused and annoyed that he had that effect on him. And he wondered, like the dumb teenager he felt like, if Yoongi thought about him too.

His phone rang from somewhere in the gym, Hoseok instantly getting up to get it. It was Jungkook who was calling so he decided to pick up.

"Hi hyung!" His friend's voice rang on the other end.

"Kookie, hi. What's up?" Hoseok replied, wiping away some sweat that had formed on his forehead from the intense training.

"Not much, I was just wondering what you were doing for NYE?" The younger boy asked on the other end. Hoseok hadn't thought about that yet, Yoongi and his mafia had been taking up all the space in his head.

"Haven't really thought about it yet." He admitted, shrugging as he did well knowing the boy on the other end wasn't able to see it.

"Well then come to Octagon with me, Namjoon and Jin-hyung! I think some other Capos and Soldiers are coming too. Or you probably already know that considering you're our boss." The boy giggled slightly on the other end. Jungkook was apart of Hoseok's mafia too. He was the most powerful Capo, and Hoseok's favourite. They had known each other since childhood, growing up in the mob world together, and when Hoseok's parents passed away and left him with a mafia to take care of, he instantly made Jungkook his most powerful Capo.

"Sure. I'll be there at 10"

"Great! See you then hyung! Bye!" Jungkook said on the other line before hanging up on Hoseok.

"But I can't fix himm... Can't make him better!" Yoongi sang along as he swirled around his bedroom in his red silk robe, feeling like a heartbroken princess who just witnessed her beloved get slain on the battlefield. He had just gotten out of the bathtub, his hair still damp and body smelling like blooming roses. It was his last day off of 2019 and he wanted to make the most of it as he could.

And if it was up to him, he would spend it with Hoseok.

But he didn't have his number (strangely enough), and thought it would be rather rude to just pull up to his house and say hi.

So he settled on being alone in his apartment for the day, something he enjoyed too.

But suddenly his music was paused due to his phone ringing, snapping him out of his princess daydreaming. He groaned in annoyance before picking up, seeing his best friend's name and picture on the caller ID, so he picked up.

"Hi Yoonie-hyung! It's Jiminie!" His best friend cutely said on the other line.

"What's up?" The boys continued talking about their new years plans. They were going to Octagon with Taehyung and some of Tae's friends.

Everything was planned out, the only thing unknown to Yoongi was if he got to see Hoseok before the year ended.

I don't know if I've said this before, but a Capo is a person in the mafia family tree who have control over a certain group of Soldiers and they usually have a territory too. A Capo is the third most powerful person in the mafia family, and there can be more than one capo in a mafia family.

Soldiers are the people who do the dirty work and get paid the least. So basically like real life soldiers, just in the mafia world.

I hope that made sense, but if you have questions or are confused, please tell me and i'll do my best to clarify it for you 💜


(also the next time i update, there will be a double update 👀)

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