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"We wouldn't want anything happening to you on your way up, now do we?"

The two males took the elevator up to Yoongi's floor. The ride up was filled with silence. Not awkward silence, just comfortable, normal silence.

The elevator eventually dinged, signalling they had reached his floor, and they walked out and over to his door.

Hoseok looked down at the shorter males doormat. He smiled to himself, trying to contain the soft chuckle that threatened to escape his lips. It was a black doormat with a cat flipping you off on it, with the text Go away. He didn't know the blonde that well at all, but something about that mat just screamed Min Yoongi. 

"Uh, thanks for the ride I guess." Yoongi mumbled looking down at his feet. The taller smirked.

"No problem. I'll see you around, darling." He said before walking back into the elevator and disappearing behind the doors with a smirk still plastered onto his handsome face, not even giving Yoongi a chance at answering him.

Yoongi felt flustered and weird and tired and drunk, so he unlocked the door to his apartment, took off his shoes and clothes, put on his pyjamas, brushed his teeth and went straight to bed. 

He woke up the next morning with a massive headache. He lifted his head to look at the clock, immediately wincing at the stabbing pain he felt in his brain.

"Ow." He mumbled, holding a hand to his head and screwing his eyes shut.

It was years ago he had had such a bad hangover.

He sat up slowly and opened his eyes. 1pm the clock on his bedside table told him.

Damn, I slept in

He grabbed his phone from under his pillow and checked for any notifications.

Jinnie-hyung: Hey Yoongs, do you wanna grab lunch today? I haven't seen you in a while, and I miss you (:

Yoongi hoped it wasn't too late for lunch, because even with this giant hangover banging his brain numb, he still missed Seokjin, and he wanted to spend time with him. Jin was so busy with his restaurant and barely ever had time to see his friends, so Yoongi took the opportunity, hoping it wasn't too late.

Yoongs: sorry I'm replying so late, just woke up. yes I would love that Jin-hyung! what time do you wanna meet and where?

Yoongi got up from his bed and lazily made his way to his kitchen, the memories of yesterday's events slowly making their way into his mind.

What the hell was I thinking?

He grabbed a glass from his cabinet and put it under the tap, waiting for it to fill up before taking a big gulp and setting it down on the counter with a loud clank.

He looked at his phone in hopes of seeing his favourite hyung's reply, and to his luck, there was a notification from him.

Jinnie-hyung: no worries! how about we make it dinner instead, so you can get some more sleep after a rough night at the club? 

Jin was such a mom to Yoongi. He probably thought Yoongi woke up late due to his late night shifts at Red Velvet. 

Yoongs: that would be great actually. thank you Jin-hyung! where and when should we go eat?

Jinnie-hyung: how about you come down to my restaurant and I'll make us some dinner? you don't have to pay for anything. just come around 6pm

Seokjin owned a restaurant called Jamjali, and his business was booming. The food was fantastic, and therefore Jin was always busy. There was always filled in the now big restaurant, and it was rather fancy. Yoongi loved coming there with Taehyung and Jimin to catch up with Jin, and sometimes just to eat the delicious food they served. 

Yoongs: I won't have to be at the club before 9pm tonight so that sounds great! see u then hyung!

Yoongi put his phone down on the kitchen counter and opened his fridge to see if he had any interesting food that he could eat for breakfast. 

He made some eggs and toast and sat down on his couch, eating his breakfast with some cartoons playing on the TV in front of him.

The day went by slowly, every minute feeling like an hour with the alcohol slowly leaving his body. He wanted this hungover to be over with already, more than tired of feeling like someone was punching him with a hammer 24/7. 

But luckily, the clock turned 5pm and it was time for Yoongi to get ready to see his old friend. So he took a quick shower, put on a black turtleneck, a pair of black dress pants and some earrings. He usually didn't like wearing dressy clothes, but Jin's restaurant was rather fancy and Yoongi didn't want to be underdressed. 

He grabbed his keys, his big black jacket to shield him from the ruthless November wind and went out the door and made his way to Seokjin's restaurant. Yoongi almost always walked to the locations he had to get to, due to him not having a driver's license or a car, and he lived downtown, so everything was pretty close. Plus it helped him stay in shape for dancing at the club.

He walked down a familiar alley and shoved his hands down his pocket. It was more cold than usual, and he could feel December approaching just by the weather. 

"Hey there sweetheart. Whatcha doing out here?" A voice called from behind him and he stopped dead in his tracks. 

Thank you guys so much for getting Desire over 200 views! 

i'm editing the book rn (many months after this chapter was originally published) and i love looking back at my old author notes 🥺

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