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Soon, Yoongi would be nowhere in sight. It would only be Suga on that stage.

He put on his makeup, which consisted of blood red lipstick and light eye makeup. 

He looked at the clock and saw he only had five minutes before he had to get up on that stage. He sighed to himself and peeped out the backdoor to see if his other best friend, Taehyung had started his shift yet. When he didn't spot his blue hair behind the bar, he closed the door again and turned to his pink haired best friend.

"You ready Jiminie?" He spoke with care. He didn't want the boy to do something he didn't want to do, he felt the need to make sure he was okay. 

But Jimin just put on the brightest smile he could muster, even though the blonde could see right through it.

"Yes, of course! Nothing we haven't done before, right?" He tried to convince the older of the two, but Yoongi just looked more concerned.

"Jimin, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes hyung. We both know what can happen with this type of job, so I was prepared. And nothing happened, so stop worrying!" Jimin exclaimed with a roll of his eyes, and Yoongi decided to let it go.

And right before he was about to say something back, the clock turned 8 and the small bell rang, signalling that it was time for them to leave the backstage and get up on their stages.  

They took off their silk ropes and made their way op on their stages, and tried to ignore the old men cheering them on and yelling inappropriate things. Or it wasn't really inappropriate considering it was a strip club.

He stepped onto the stage and felt himself enter a whole new headspace.

Yoongi was gone. It was only Suga now.

The bleach blonde moved his body seductively, looked some of the men in the eye and smirk every now and then. He was really good at his job.

He swung around the pole and looked over to where Angel was performing. He looked back at the crowd and almost stopped dead in his tracks.

Because there he was. The guy from earlier.

He stood in the exact same position against the wall, with the same cocky smirk plastered on his face that probably was carved by the gods. But there was more to his eyes than cockiness and authority this time. There was also.. lust and.. desire.

The brunette man licked his lips at the sight of the blonde male dancing with barely nothing on. His pale skin glowed under the spotlight and the way his body moved could make any man crazy. 

The brunette could see the slight flash of terror in his eyes when their eyes met, and he couldn't help but smirk even more.

Suga quickly averted his gaze from the brunette to one of the younger guys in the crowd and bit his lip seductively at him. The young man gulped and winked back at him, and Suga rolled his eyes internally.

Luckily, they had all signed a contract when they got the job that said that customers weren't allowed to touch them without their consent. Because holy shit he would've gotten into some bad situations if he hadn't signed that contract.

The young man in the crowd obviously gulped when Suga made a power hold and swung around the pole, and it made Suga smirk to himself. Some people might say that what he did for a living was disgusting and dirty, but Yoongi felt so empowered when he was up on that stage as Suga. Of course he was exhausted when he got home, but he still liked to be on that stage.

Because in all secret, Yoongi was kind of an attention whore.

The mysterious, cocky brunette eventually left with a wink in Sugas direction, and not long after, Suga's performance was over. He walked backstage and took his heels off and greeted the other exhausted boys.

Yoongi was back.

He took off his makeup and fishnets without paying attention to the world around him, and eventually he could feel his mind drifting to the handsome brunette that he had started seeing around a lot the last couple of days. He didn't know how to feel about it. On one side, it made him feel paranoid because it seemed like he was following him, but on the other side, he hadn't really forced Yoongi to go to his place and he hadn't threatened him, so he didn't feel scared. He just felt.. weird about the situation.

A knock on the door brought Yoongi back to reality, and he looked towards it. A boy with a boxy smile and blue hair peeked his head in before completely entering the room.

"Hey Tae." An exhausted Jimin said. The other boys greeted him as well. They all knew Taehyung, he worked at the bar serving drinks to the men who came to see them perform after all.

"You guys looked amazing tonight." The blue haired boy complimented. Some of the boys thanked him, while others blushed, because obviously. A charming and handsome guy just complimented them on their stripping. 

He walked towards Yoongi, who was currently putting on socks and pants and looked at him.

"Uh, some guy is asking for you in the bar. And uh.. he used your real name." The blue haired boy told him with curiosity glistening in his eyes. Yoongi furrowed his brows in confusion? Who the hell could be asking for him?

Hi, thanks for reading so far! AND HAPPY DECEMBER 1ST!

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