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And that's when Hoseok ran towards the man and did the exact same that he did to Yoongi. He knocked him out.

Yoongi woke up to bright sunlight peeking through a window, annoying the hell out of him. He hated waking up this way. Especially with such a headache. How the hell did he even get a headache?

He slowly lifted his eyelids, the unfamiliar sight of a large, modern, very expensive looking room meeting his eyes. He was laying in a very soft bed, covered in white silk sheets and soft blankets.

Where the fuck am I?

He slowly sat up, clutching his head at the throbbing pain he felt. He touched his left cheek, and winced in pain.

And suddenly he remembered it all.

Chang-Hoon had assaulted him while he was walking home from another night shift at Red Velvet, knocking Yoongi out cold. He remembered the choking, probably the reason behind his aching throat, he remembered the disgusting kisses, he remembered that he kicked him in the balls, and then he remembered getting knocked out.

But what he didn't remember was how he ended up in this unfamiliar house, in this unfamiliar room. He tried his best to search his brain for answers, but he couldn't find any.

Did Chang-Hoon kidnap me?

He could feel his blood run cold and his anxiety kick in just by the thought that maybe he was kidnapped.

Shit, I was supposed to tell Jimin about Chang-Hoon today.

He looked around the room, searching for anything he could use as a weapon. He saw a lamp, and quickly plugged it out and grabbed it. He saw his phone on the nightstand and put it in his back pocket. At least he was still wearing clothes, so nothing like that had happened to him.

He quietly walked towards the door with a tight grip on the lamp in his hands. Slowly, he turned the doorknob, careful not to make any noises as he did. And he succeeded. He took a cautious step out on the marble flooring in the hallway right outside the room he had slept in. He was clearly in a mansion of some sorts. So probably not Chang-Hoon's home.

He walked further down the hallway, towards a staircase that looked more expensive that his whole apartment. And it's not often you see a staircase and think hey, that looks expensive but this one did. It was of beautiful white, shiny marble with a black velvet carpet rolling down the middle. Yoongi wondered who the hell had the money for such things.

He walked down the beautiful staircase, looking around him and over his shoulder all the time so he wouldn't get caught off guard.

He proceeded down the steps, his body alert and listening to every sound in the mansion.

"I see you're up." A voice behind him said, startling so much that he turned around and swung the lamp at the person in one movement. The person quickly dodged the attempt of what he figured must've been self defence. He grabbed the smaller boy's hands and swirled him around so Yoongi's back was against the mans chest, holding him in place.

"Let go of me!" Yoongi screamed, desperately trying to get out of the person's grip, but without luck.

"Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you." Yoongi instantly knew who the voice belonged to.


"H-Hoseok?" Yoongi whispered, needing to get it confirmed that it was the said male.

But how the hell is Hoseok here! Where am I even?

He then felt Hoseok's grip on his hands loosen and he turned around to face the latter, looking at him with a confused look.

"Where the hell am I?" Yoongi said, fear, but confidence clear in his eyes.

"You're in my house." Hoseok simply stated with an emotionless expression on his face.

"Why? Did you kidnap me?" The blonde asked, anger slowly making an appearance in his voice. Hoseok then chuckled and shook his head, both in amusement and as a no.

Hoseok immediately thought back to when he picked a drunk Yoongi up, and the latter said he's punch him in the face if he ever kidnapped him.

"You were attacked last night, got knocked out cold. I found you right after it happened, beat the guy who did it up and brought you here. To my house." The brunette explained, looking the blonde directly in the eyes, almost like he was trying to proof that he was speaking the truth. And Yoongi believed his words, he didn't seem to be lying.

"Uhh.. T-Thank you.. For not letting me die in that alley." Yoongi thanked him, looking down at his feet. He was honestly a little embarrassed that he had to be saved. He grew up having to protect him and Jimin, not having to be protected, so it was a scratch on his ego. But he was still thankful that Hoseok helped him.

"No problem. That guy would've killed you if I hadn't came in time." The taller said with raised eyebrows. He was deadly curious of who that man was and why he was attacking such a beautiful human as Min Yoongi.

"Yeah, it wouldn't have surprised me if he did." The latter scoffed, chuckling bitterly at the thought.

Hoseok wondered if Yoongi knew his attacker personally, it sounded that way at least. "If you don't mind me asking, who was that guy." The brunette desperately tried to meet the smaller's gaze, but with no success. He kept looking down at his feet, as if he was embarrassed.

Little did he know that he actually was.

"Just someone I used to know..." Hoseok got the hint that the blonde didn't feel like talking about it, so he let it go with a nod of his head.

"Are you hungry?" The brunette asked.

Hi loves. Since christmas is coming closer and closer, I won't update as much. I wish you all happy holidays <3

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