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It was weird for Yoongi to see them together like that, but he knew he would get used to it. Eventually. 

It was now Tuesday, the day he had to go shopping with Kai. Things had somewhat went back to normal after the incident at the club - Yoongi and Jimin was still working, Hoseok still walked Yoongi to the club and back home, now more alert for dangers trying to get to the blonde than ever. It was like bad luck just followed him, and Hoseok didn't like that. He wanted Yoongi to be safe.

The only thing that had changed was the way Jimin and Taehyung acted towards each other. They were no longer subtle about their relationship, they were now very open about it, but still in a way that didn't make Yoongi feel like a third wheel - something he had been lowkey scared of.

Kai had also started talking more to Yoongi at work, sometimes even texting him in the evening. Where the silver haired male got Yoongi's number from was unknown to him, but he had other things on his mind to even spare it a thought.   

Yoongi liked Kai, he was a nice dude. Not the most exciting person in the universe, but not the most boring either - so Yoongi coped with him. 

He could be fun, pretty entertaining, but mostly just a little annoying as he flirted with everyone constantly.   

Hoseok on the other hand found the silver haired tower's actions strange, maybe because he was a hyper aware mafia boss constantly keeping his eyes open for dangers, but something about him just didn't sit well with Hoseok. 

And the way he got Yoongi's number without asking said male for it made the situation seem even stranger to the brunette. 

He didn't word his thoughts to Yoongi though, not wanting the smaller male to feel more unsafe than he already assumed he did, but he kept and eye out for Kai. Just in case. 

The two boys were currently walking around the mall, small talking about work, Kai sometimes asking about Yoongi's love life but the latter just waved it off, not wanting to bare his feelings to a man he hadn't known for that long. 

"Where do you usually shop?" The silver haired said, looking around the mall. And then their journey of trying to find Kai a work outfit started. 

When Yoongi was dropped back home by Kai, he immediately went to his bed, diving into the soft sheets and letting the soft mattress swallow him up. His body was still recovering from being roofied, and it made Yoongi extremely sleepy - more than he was normally. 

He closed his eyes, sleep instantly tucking around him like a warm blanket, telling him to just.. fade away. And he did.

It was now Friday. Hoseok was strolling through the lively streets of Seoul, a cup of coffee in hand and a serious look resting on his god like face. Even though he was one the most powerful - and feared- men in South Korea, he still liked to roam around the city to get a good cup of coffee or a fresh breath of air every once in a while. It was very important to him to feel free, to be able to go out when he wanted and that was why his identity as a mafia boss was completely unknown to the world around him. Sure, everyone had heard of the big bad mafia boss J-Hope, but nobody actually knew what he looked like or what his real name was. And Hoseok was very content with that. 

He looked around the countless of people passing by, chatting, laughing, eating, looking for nothing in particular. 

Until something caught his eyes. 

A tall, silver haired male had his back faced towards Hoseok, speaking to someone in front of him, getting handed something Hoseok assumed was cash . 

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