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Inside, Jimin was getting ready with the other dancers.

Yoongi walked through the backdoor after saying goodbye to Hoseok. It warmed his heart when Hoseok said he would be there to walk him home after his shift. It made him feel safe - something he hadn't felt for awhile. 

Yoongi walked over to his station and put down his duffle back.

"Hey guys." He greeted the other dancers who were already getting ready. They greeted him back with smiles on their faces.

He began taking off his jacket and clothes to reveal his typical dancing outfit underneath. 

As he was taking off his socks and put on his fishnets, a knock was heard on the door. A man who practically worked as their manager called Liam, peeked his head inside before opening the door completely and stepping inside with a tall, handsome man trailing behind him. Yoongi could see the other dancers start to drool instantly at the sight of the stranger. 

"Good evening boys. We have a new dancer joining our team." He smiled as the man behind him walked forward and smiled at the other drooling dancers. He didn't seem shy - no not at all. He radiated confidence.

He smiled politely at Liam before speaking. "Hi. My name is Kim Jong-In, and my stage name is Kai. I'm 25 years old and very grateful for this job." He said, chuckling slightly at the last part. Yoongi had to admit, he was handsome as hell with his shimmering silver hair and deep brown chocolate eyes, but he wasn't exactly Yoongi's type. Yoongi was more into brunettes... 

The man, or Jong-In as he introduced himself, looked in Yoongi's direction, eyes immediately finding Yoongi's and locking gaze with him. He seemed determined, mysterious. He smirked at Yoongi, and the latter just looked back blankly at him, confused as of why he was getting such a strange look from the male. 

"Alright" Liam clapped "Kai won't be performing tonight, he has his first day tomorrow, but I thought it could be good for him to see how it works backstage so he won't be completely lost tomorrow." Liam continued with a smile before walking out the backstage room leaving the dancers with Kai. Their manager was a man in his late twenties from England who had moved to Seoul ten years ago. His name was Liam Russell, and all the dancers loved him, he was funny and kind and not inappropriate towards them, which was highly appreciated by the dancers.

Most of the dancers introduced themselves to the new member before turning back to get ready for their performance. Soon Jong-In had reached Yoongi and Jimin's stations, that was placed right beside each other. Jimin was the first to stick his hand out with a beautiful smile. 

"Welcome to the team! My name is Jimin back here and Angel on the stage." Jimin beamed with a smile that made his eyes disappear into two small crescent moons. The silver haired male smiled down at him, towering over the two smaller males by almost 10 cm. 

"Thank you. Nice to meet you." Kai replied with a very charming smile. Yoongi could already feel his best friend become flustered by his actions, and he internally rolled his eyes at Jimin's flirty behavior. 

"Nice to meet you too." The pink haired smiled before it was Yoongi's turn to introduce himself.

"I'm Yoongi, Suga when I'm performing." He offered the tall male a small smile and a short introduction. The silver haired male smiled a smile that didn't sit quite well with the blonde. He squinted his eyes at Yoongi, like he was scanning his face or checking him out in the creepiest way possible, and in full honesty, it freaked the smaller male out. 

"Nice to meet you." He finally said once he was done with his creepy scanning of Yoongi. Yoongi just smiled politely as a reply before turning back to applying his makeup.


The night went by smoothly, the club was packed due to it being Saturday. All the dancers earned more cash that they needed, and the audience only increased by the hour. Suga was slightly disappointed that he didn't see a certain brunette's face in the crowd, but quickly shook the feeling off. He was probably busy with running his business.

What kind of business did he run anyways? It must be a big one since he can afford three mansions..

He thought as he performed. He was very curious about the brunette. He seemed to know a lot about Yoongi, but Yoongi knew nothing about him beside him being rich and owning three mansions. He didn't care about that kind of information though, he just wanted to know about Hoseok. 

Suga looked towards the bar where he knew Taehyung was currently at work. He locked eyes with said male and smiled at him. He loved working the same place as his best friends, it made him feel comfortable and safe when he danced, knowing his best friends were always right there by his side. 

He saw the new guy what was his name again.. Kai ordering a drink and look towards the dancers. Suga quickly averted his gaze before they could lock eyes, not wanting to have a awkward staring contest with the tower of a man.

He kept on dancing till his shift was over and the money was earned and then walked backstage. He changed into his black pants with white stripes down the sides and his favourite oversized supreme sweatshirt that Jimin and Taehyung had gifted him once. It smelled of good memories and new starts and he loved it. It was one of his dearest possessions. 

He said goodbye to the other exhausted dancers before walking out the backdoor where Hoseok was already waiting with a smoke between his perfect lips. The brunette smiled at him with tired eyes and Yoongi immediately felt bad.

Am I the reason he stayed up this late?

"You don't have to walk me home you know. I can see you're tired." He smiled at him. He was thankful that he offered to, he really was, but he didn't want him to stay up and miss his sleep just for him. 

"But I want to. Plus I usually don't go to bed before 4am, so this is nothing." He smiled gently as he motioned for the two of them to start walking, and that they did. 

"I really appreciate it tho." Yoongi said, thanking the male in his own way. He just smirked down at Yoongi.

"Yeah yeah. Now tell me, how was your shift?" Hoseok asked.

And that was the beginning of many midnight talks between the two. About two weeks had went by, and it was now start December. Nothing sketchy or out of the ordinary had happened to Yoongi, he hadn't run into Chang-Hoon and him and Hoseok had gotten closer. He still didn't know much about the brunette male, but he deeply wanted to.

Oh boy, was he in for a treat. 

Hi, and thank you so much for over 700 views wth! I'm sorry for the lack of updates, but I'm back now and I hope you enjoyed/enjoy your winter/christmas break! I love uuuuu

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