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"I'm gonna go get a drink." He smirked, leaving Hoseok standing alone on the dancefloor.

Yoongi swayed his hips as he walked towards the bar, achieving many looks from both women and men in the process, but he didn't care. They could stare all they wanted, he still wasn't interested.

He only had two things on his mind tonight; Hoseok and alcohol. 

He ordered his drink, paying and thanking the bartender as he did. He looked towards the dance floor, catching a glimpse of his two best friends eating each others faces. He still didn't know how to feel about it.

All he knew was that they sure had some explaining to do in the morning, but for now Yoongi wanted to let them enjoy their night, so he could enjoy his as well. 

Hoseok started walking towards the bar, not wanting to stand awkwardly on the dancefloor waiting for Yoongi. He walked with such authority, such confidence that everyone could sense his presence as he walked past them. 

He spotted Yoongi ordering a drink, then looking towards something on the dancefloor with an unreadable expression. His attention was everywhere else than his drink.

A man walked past Yoongi, dumping something in a drink making Hoseok's expression change from confident to worried for the blonde, already knowing that it wasn't just sugar he poured in the blonde's liquor. 

He tried reaching him in time, but right before Hoseok was in front of him, he took a large gulp of the drink, making Hoseok's eyes widen in worry. 

shit, shit, shit, shit

"Decided to join me?" Yoongi smirked up at Hoseok, completely oblivious to the fact that he was just drugged. Hoseok's worried expression didn't falter, and Yoongi narrowed his eyes at him in confusion.

"Did something happen?" The blonde asked, a worried expression now covering his features too. 

"Yoongi, you were just drugged, we need to get you home." Hoseok yelled over the music, but Yoongi just looked at him confused.

The alcohol clouded his mind, making him unable to hear the words leaving Hoseok's mouth properly. 

"What?" He yelled back, furrowing his brows in confusion, and Hoseok tried again. "Yoongi, someone slipped something in your drink, we need to get you home." He tried again. Yoongi stared at him for a couple seconds, trying to read his lips, and then it suddenly made sense to him. Yoongi's face paled, and the confused expression changed to a terrified one. He had been in this situation before. 

"A-are you serious?" He asked, feeling his anxiety and fear whirl up like a storm in his stomach. 

Hoseok could just be saying this to get me home with him. But that wouldn't make sense, he isn't that type of person!

Yoongi debated whether to believe him, trauma from his past making it hard for him to trust people, even with things like this. 

"Yes Yoongi, we need to get you home before it hits." Hoseok tried convincing. He didn't want the smaller male getting hurt, he wanted him to be in a bed when he passed out, safe from strangers who was trying to take advantage of him. 

"Who did it?" The blonde frantically looked around the club, trying to catch anyone who seemed sketchy, but he couldn't spot any. Everything looked normal, and right now it freaked Yoongi out. He didn't want to go through this again.

"I don't know, I didn't see his face. But Yoongi we need to go. Now." Hoseok's tone was now stern, desperate for the blonde to just let him take care of him and drive him home. 

"O-okay. I have to find Jiminie and Tae." Yoongi looked towards the crowd, trying to catch a glimpse of his two friends, but Hoseok snapped him back to reality.

"You can text them in the morning, Yoongi we need to get you home before you pass out." Hoseok looked at the expensive watch on his wrist. It was now about 7 minutes since he saw Yoongi take a big gulp of his drugged drink, and he knew it wouldn't take long before the effect would hit. If he was lucky, he would be awake for at most 15 minutes more, and that's it. Then he would pass out for about 7 to 10 hours. 

"Damn okay." Yoongi sassily remarked, making his way towards the exit with Hoseok hot in his heels. It amazed him that even though he was drugged and drunk and panicking, Yoongi still managed to stay sassy. 

Hoseok grabbed his hand, guiding him towards his car that was parked a little out of sight. They climbed in and was immediately met with warm air blasting through the A/C.

"Yoongi how much did you eat today?" Hoseok asked, starting his car and making his way towards Yoongi's house. 

"I- uh.. breakfast and a s-salad I think? Wh-why... is that important now?" Yoongi slurred, extreme dizziness making its way to his head. He clutched his head and screw his eyes shot, hoping it would make the world stop spinning, but it only got worse.

"When did you last eat?" The brunette continued to interrogate him, making the blonde utterly confused as of why his eating habits was important right now.

"I don't- I don't k-know. Five or s-six hours ago.." He replied still slurring on his words as he found it harder and harder to think straight. The world spun around him, making him nauseous. He could feel his heart pick up speed, making it hard for him to breathe. He looked at Hoseok, suddenly confused as of why he was sitting in a car with him.

What is going on?

"Shit, then the effect will hit faster." Hoseok murmured, more to himself than to Yoongi. 

Yoongi felt his vision get blurry and started to see small white dots dancing in front of him. They looked funny. Almost like little polar bears moving around on a big brown field.

Wait, polar bears don't live on fields?

And then everything turned completely dark, and his body numb.

Hoseok looked over at Yoongi, only to be met with the sight of the male lying slump against the seat with eyes closed and lips parted slighty.

"Shit." Hoseok cursed under his breath, making a U turn and driving towards his mansion.

Damn things really took a turn huh. 

And thank you so much for over 800 views and 100 votes, it makes me so happy to see people reading this, I hope you're all doing good and taking care of yourself <3 ily

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