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Someone grabbed his arm harshly and Yoongi didn't even have time to react before he was face to face with the attacker.

Yoongi's eyes widened in fear at the sight in front of him.

Before him stood a greasy Chang-Hoon with a devious smirk plastered across his nasty face.

Yoongi didn't know what to say, he felt paralysed, like he was drowning in a flood of bad memories caused by the man in front of him.

Yoongi didn't have a very, how do I describe it, pleasant past. At least not a past that he wanted to remember. And Chang-Hoon played a big role in that.

Two years ago, before Yoongi and Jimin moved to Seoul, they lived together in a small town called Taejeon-Dong. None of their parents had money enough to provide for the two boys. Yoongi's dad had died when Yoongi was 16 and his mom fell into a deep depression that made her incapable of taking care of her son. That left Yoongi with depression and anxiety as well, and no place to sleep. So Yoongi moved in with Jimin, but his parents didn't have a big enough apartment or money enough to take care of the young boys either, so it ended up with Yoongi and Jimin finding a bad group of people to connect with. Which was also how they found Chang-Hoon. They joined his gang, a gang filled with drugs and weapons and danger, but it gave the two boys roof over the head and food on the table. And bag of white powder and a stick filled with marijuana between their fingers every night. They became drug addicts, like the rest of the gang. It was their only escape from their grey and sad reality. Life felt meaningless for the two boys, and they couldn't see a way out of their situation. They needed the money, the shelter that the gang brought. And Chang-Hoon was also holding them back from leaving. He needed them to do shipments for him, and in return they got to live with him, got to eat his food and take his drugs. Or some of them at least. The other gang members never let the two young boys take something stronger than marijuana or cocaine. Even though cocaine is one of the strongest drugs out there, but they tried to look out for Yoongi and Jimin. They really did their best, but they were also deep in the drug addict swamp, that nobody seemed to be able to get out from.
Until one day where Yoongi decided that he had had enough of this life. Jimin didn't deserve it, he had to give having a better life a chance. So he began saving up money for the train rides, and 6 months later, he concluded that he had enough money for Jimin and him to start a new life in Seoul. He told Jimin about his plan, and the younger was eager to follow him, wanting nothing more than to leave their dreadful past behind and start a new life. A new life that started with an application for a job at Red Velvet.

"Will you kindly let go of me." Yoongi hissed sassily, yet politely at the man who was still having his arm in a tight grip. His words only made the nasty man smile even more, the deadly aura only increasing around him.

"Why don't you give me a tour of the city? Show an old friend around." He smirked sickly. Yoongi wanted to throw up. Luck seriously hadn't been on his side these past couple of days.

"You aren't a friend of mine." The smaller of the two spat, trying to pull his arm out of the taller's grasp, but his grip was too strong, and it only became tighter by Yoongi's movements. He visibly winced, and the greasy male fed off of that.

"Oh? let's see about that." He quickly grabbed both of the younger's wrist, shoving him against the wall. In one swift move, he took both of his wrist in one of his hands, pinning them above the younger's head and using his other hand to choke him. He attacked the blondes lips with his own and Yoongi felt the vile taste of vomit rise in his throat as he struggled to push the man away. He wanted to scream and shout (and let it all out) and cry, but a pair of chapped, disgusting lips was preventing him from doing so.

He kicked the man in the crotch, gasping for air while clutching his throat. Chang-Hoon held a hand over the injured area with a pained expression covering his dirty face.

But he was quick to recover as he shot Yoongi a deadly glare, right before he punched the latter right on he left cheek. It resulted in Yoongi falling to the ground with a big thump and a whimper of pain. His hand quickly came in contact with the hit area, already feeling a wet liquid coat it. He was bleeding.

Hoseok was walking down the alley that Hwang Hyunjin had texted him he had seen Min Yoongi walk down. But he couldn't see the male, and it slightly worried him.

Until he heard a punch being thrown followed by whimpering. He quickly started walking towards the noise, wanting to make sure that it wasn't Yoongi who was in trouble.

"This is what you fucking get for leaving without telling anyone." He heard a voice sneer, followed by a voice that he was starting to know all too well. "Fuck you, I don't owe you shit." He heard no other than Min Yoongi hiss back sassily.

When Hoseok was in eyesight of the situation, he saw Yoongi on the ground, looking up at a greasy man with fire spitting eyes, right before he was knocked out cold by the man.

And that's when Hoseok ran towards the man and did the exact same that he did to Yoongi. He knocked him out.

Hi babes, and thank you, once again, for reading. I won't be able to update tomorrow :/ but I'll have a chapter ready Thursday! I love you and have a good night/night <3

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