080. the end.

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     THE YEAR was 2015, 20 years since 1995, Logan was having coffee with his father who had reached out to him. "It's good to see you again, Logan." Larry Simmons smiled and Logan glanced around and sighed. "Uh, what's up, Larry? Why'd you call me?" He asked and Larry set his elbows onto the table, leaning over slightly.

"I'm making amends, son." He said and Logan's brows raise. "Amends? You?" He chuckled and Larry sighs. "I wasn't the best father... I know that." He said and Logan smiles. "Understatement." He says and Larry looks down. "I'm sorry. I was a terrible father and... I should've been more accepting." He looked up and Logan nodded his head as if to tell him to continue.

"And I really already messed up so bad with your mom, just, Jesus, I'm... just trying to fix my fuck-ups, you know?" He said and Logan sighs. "Yeah, I forgive you or whatever..." The fourty-five year old man said and his father smiled. "I am really, truly sorry... you know?" He says.

Logan slowly nods, "yeah... I know." He sighed and then looked down. "So... um... are you like seeing someone or something?" He asked and Logan smiled. "I'm going twenty-eight years strong with Mike..." He looked up at him.

Larry smiles, "that's great, Logan... So, I mean, have you heard the news yet?" He asked and Logan slowly shook his head with a confused look. "Same sex marriage was legalized like... yesterday." He smiles and Logan's eyebrows raised. "What? Really?" He asked and Larry quickly nods.

"Gotta go! We'll stay in contact!" He said and Larry just watched with furrowed brows but just turned back to his chair. Logan just got into his car and started driving, smiling big.

Mike was at home when he heard about it, he was just skipping through channels and eating cereal after finally waking up since it was summer break. He stopped on one of the tv channels that got his attention, he paused and listened for a second. Same sex marriage had been legalized. His eyes widen and he set his bowl of cereal down, he got up and ran over to the door right when it was opened by his boyfriend, Logan Whittaker.



Logan grabbed both of Mike's hands in his and smiled widely. "Wanna do this?" He asked and Mike started blushing a lot. "Are you sure? I mean, look at me..." He said and Logan glanced down, taking in Mike's appearance, baggy sweatpants and a graphic shirt that belonged to Logan.

"Hey, Wheeler, come on, I'd love you no matter how you look..." He pulled Mike closer and wrapped his arms around Mike's waist, leaning down and kissing him hard on the lips. Mike kissed back as his arms go around Logan's neck.

The planning started then, Logan recruited Max and El to plan their wedding, the reception and the party after that. Dustin and Lucas were in charge of the catering and the drinks. Mike and Logan got to relax and not worry about a thing.

Logan stood in front of the mirror, getting his suit tailored when El and Max walked in, the ginger holding her wife's hand. The two got married, no big wedding, they just went down to the courthouse and signed those papers, confirming their union. Dustin and Lucas were sort of going on and off for now, they want to get back together and keep dating but Mike says they had issues, that they couldn't seem to trust each other.

Logan and Mike ended up getting married in August, near the end of the month and both of their families were invited, Karen Wheeler arrived with Holly who had started to settle down with some guy named Ben, both Elizabeth and Lola Whittaker had shown up, Lola was still dating Robin, Steve showed up with Dustin, and it was a shock that even Larry Simmons had shown up.

Logan sent the invitation but thought he wouldn't. The wedding was beautiful and just like how Logan and Mike imagined. Mike Wheeler.... now Whittaker. Logan loves him so much. The reception went as well as the wedding ceremony did and then the party carried on until about midnight which was when Logan and Mike, drunk off all of the wine and beer, laughed and got into the car that was to drive them to the airport so they can go on their honeymoon in Cancun.

There, the two men spent their first night together as a married couple, Mike underneath Logan and he was smiling widely. "I love you..." He ran his hands up to Logan's neck and the man above him smiled. "And I love you..." Logan said, leaning down and kissing him passionately.

It was about a year later when Logan finally brought up the big question, if they should adopt, and they did, they adopted a little girl named Brixley and then a baby boy named Asher. Their little family. Logan, Mike, Brixley and Asher Whittaker. Logan adored all three so much.

Logan loves his life. He loves his job and he loves his family, he genuinely felt like things were going well for him until he sat in front of a doctor in an office and he just slowly nodded his head. "How... how long do I have?" He asked, trying not to sound affected by it. "A couple of months... possibly weeks." The doctor says and he nodded.

When he got home that day, he told all of them to sit with them in the livingroom, it had been a couple of years since they adopted Brixley and Asher, Brixley's sixteenth was coming up and Asher had just turned thirteen. "Um... I went to the doctor's today." He said and looked at Mike.

"He told me that I have.... an illness that could kill me. I'm not sure if there's even a cure for it..." He said and Mike looked to their children right away. Brixley's eyes looked wide, kind of glossy from tears welling up already and Asher just sat there in shock, taken back by his words.

They didn't spend the weeks upset or trying to prevent it, Logan let it happen and he would just spend his remaining time with his family. Brixley would read a book to him every night before he went to bed, Asher would tell him about his baseball games and his grades in school. And Mike, he would spend his time making Logan know that he's loved and appreciated at all times.

And when the time came, the three spent all gathered around him, holding his hands or either hugging him tightly. His last words to Mike were, "You're my first love... and I'm glad that you're my last." It made Mike tear up. The last thing he ever felt was Mike's lips press to his forehead and the last thing he ever heard was, "I still remember our first kiss... I love you times infinity."

Then it was dark.








authors note the end! i'm sad.

authors note the end! i'm sad

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i love u all sm. <3 i'm glad u all read this. and loved it, and loved logan simmons as much as i did.

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