063. new york city.

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JUST LIKE Logan said he would, he stayed home for the rest of the week, making sure his sister and mother felt safe and once Larry left, he was relieved and continued to make sure his mom was okay, which she was after finally making it official and filing the divorce papers.

And now on the seventh, he had woken up early, the drive to New York city would be long, nearly 12 hours to be exact. He didn't understand why they couldn't all just fly there, but then again Hawkins was just some shitty town so he wasn't surprised as they all put their bags into the bus. He turned to his sister and mom, "you sure you'll be okay?" His mom asked him, worry in her tone.

"Yes... Max, Lucas, Dustin and Mike will be there." He said and smiled. "I'll be okay." Elizabeth sighed and pulled him into a tight hug, he tried to hug back but grimaced. "Mom, I can't breath." He said and she laughed before pulling back. "Just... be safe and don't forget to call me, at nights or mornings, whichever you prefer." He nodded and went over to where everyone was filing into the bus, the teacher calling out names to make sure everyone was there. Mike followed Logan after his quick goodbyes to his own family of five.

Nancy was off at college however so it was just Holly, and his parents. Logan sat way in the back at the seats that connected with the ones across where he figured Dustin and Lucas would sit. He set his backpack down in the middle and sat down, Mike coming over and smiling at him.

He sat down beside him, "hi," he said and Logan smiled back at his boyfriend. "Hi." He says and then looked away to greet Lucas, Dustin and Max who sit down across the aisle but Max sat down in the seat in front of Logan and Mike, setting her backpack down beside her so no one would be able to come over and sit next to her.

He looked down when he saw Troy Hardy and James Pearson entering the bus as well, the two sat apart, Logan heard Troy saying some dumb remark about that being gay and that he was gonna sit with Stacy at the front of the bus. Logan ignored that and looked at Mike, smiling slightly.

"I think this trip will be nice." He says and Mike nodded, agreeing as he hesitantly reached out, looking around before setting his hand onto Logan's. Logan glanced down and smiled, tightly holding back onto Mike's hand in his.

The trip to New York statted and it was a bit exhausting at first, Logan fell asleep leaning against the window. Mike didn't sleep at all, in fact he took out a book and read for a while.

When it got dark, Mike put his book away and put on the headphones of Logan's walkman, pressing the play button. He smiled widely when I Can't Fight This Feeling started playing, he glanced to the sleeping boy and blushed.

He leaned back and continued to listen as he glanced to their friends to see Lucas was asleep on Dustin's shoulder, it's dark so probably no one was even awake or noticed him. He glanced over and saw Max was listening to music as well.

Logan leaned ovse to Mike now, wrapping an arm
around Mike's arm before looking up. Mike looked at him and smiled when he saw Logan's open eyes and smile on his face. Logan leaned back, sitting up and looking to the front of the bus.

It seemed that everyone was listening to music or sleeping. Logan looked at Mike who took off the headphones, "did you have a good sleep?" He whispered to Logan who nodded, smiling faintly at him. "How long have we been driving now?" Logan asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"We're probably almost there now." Mike said as he looked at his watch. And once an hour passed, they finally got there and they all got out, grabbing their luggage. The chaperones handed out hotel room keys and once they got theirs, Logan looked to Mike kind of shyly who smiled, grabbing the keys. He leads the way to their hotel room.

Mike walked in and set his backpack down onto the bed then his suitcase. "Two beds," Logan looked at Mike with a grin who just glanced up at him, smiling faintly. "I'm gonna take a shower then head to bed." Mike said and opened up his suitcase. "I, on the other hand, am gonna head to bed now..." Logan said, pulling his pants off before getting into the bed and Mike went into the bathroom.

Logan walked over to the bed and started dialing his house's phone, waiting as the phone rang. The phone was then answered, "hello! Simmons residence." He smiled. "Hi, mom, it's me. Logan." He said and she chuckled into the phone. "Hi, baby! How was your drive?" She asked and Logan bit his bottom lip, glancing around the room.

"It was nice. Boring. Kind of long." He chuckled and she smiled. "I hope you have a good time and if... you see anyone from back home, just don't give them any of your time, okay? Stick with your friends and don't get lost!" She said, basically saying everything she had said on the ride to the school that morning where they got onto the bus.

"Yeah, I know mom... Uh, I better go, Mike's in the shower and I'm tired." He said and she grinned ear to ear now. "Mike? Sharing a room huh?" She said and he just stifled a laugh. "Okay, now you're sounding like Lola." He said and she just laughed in response. "Okay, okay, I'll stop, just remember, be careful and don't talk to strangers! I love you, my beautiful boy!" He smiled widely.

"Love you too, mom, goodnight," he said before hanging up and sighing. He looked up right away when Mike walked out in a pair of short shorts and a baggy shirt. "Hi," he sighed and laid onto the bed. Logan stared at him then looked away, over to the closed television. "Wanna watch a movie then head to bed?" He then asked Mike.


"No." Logan groaned. "You'll watch it one day!" Mike said grumpily with crossed arms and Logan just flipped through the channels before settling for whatever movie he can find. He goes over to Mike's bed, the boy quickly sitting up, staring up at his boyfriend. Logan leaned in and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Goodnight." He said and Mike frowned, expecting something else.

"Goodnight, Logan..."










authors note no thots head empty

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